Over to Daisy for the latest Bold chat – I hope you all saw Have You Been Paying Attention last week, when they devoted a whole segment to the glorious acting on Bold and made panellists guess how dramatic scenes ended – Admin Juz.
Here we go again. No sooner does Liam get back to Stephie, (he wasn’t even had time to unpack his undies) he learns that Hope is carrying his spawn, and once again, Liam is torn between the two women. Liam has been going back and forth between Stephie and Hope’s places faster than a tennis ball at Wimbelton. Which brings us to this; has anyone noticed him taking his suitcase, or even an overnight bag? Or does he have a wardrobe at each woman’s house. If he doesn’t now, he soon will have.
How much more can Stephie take? It seems she and Hope have boundless patience and endurance when it comes to Liam. It won’t be long before Bill is back to remind Stephie, that he is the better choice. Stephie might need a nickname for Bill, and it can’t be Stallion. Perhaps Homing Pigeon, Boomerang Bill, Bouncing Ball? (I’ll throw that one open) because he is sure to be back when he learns about Hope’s pregnancy.
Thank goodness the blackmailing of Taylor has been written out. Her acting was dreadful. But we still have to endure that pokey Emma. Oh my Gawd, she is so annoying. We have a new cast member; Wipes wall painter with the brushes in her bag, and on her face. Giant, scary black caterpillars brought in to eat Wipes’ shrubbery. I suppose she will turn out to be adept at fashion design or be a natural top model. It seems audiences must like Quinn, so new villains must be imported. Eyebrow girl looks like a villain.
Who do we think is sending Hope the nasty comments? It could be the villainness, or Sally, or Stephie, or one of the many viewers who find her grating and whiney. Why isn’t Brooke getting any of those troll messages? And speaking of Brooke, we don’t hold much hope of Ridge and her lasting too much longer. Mind you, all the marriages on B&B have a shelf life of a few months.
B&B is really testing our patience as old loves and story lines are recycled over, and over. I hope the month of July brings some good news for tragic Stephie, but I bet not. π Tragic viewing, fans.
See you at 4.30, every afternoon on the lounge.

Maya is pregnant in real life so expect some strange above the waist shots, like today. And as for Zoe, well ..
I’ ll be watching for it now, Sarah. Thanks for the insider info.
What’s this “real life” business?
Well in life, not as the actress, shes pregnant!
That new scarecrow Zoe is the troll.
But horrible Thorne and Katie are venting and blaming Sally. The hungry, creepy midget got it all wrong.
Hope and Steffy circle each other. Hope is starting to make me sick.
Thanks for the monthly commentary,daisy.
Dont like Zoe and cant understand why she’s been brought in. That Thorne is hopeless and Hope determined just like her momma
Zoe, has a long monologue with her cat, which was a very poor means of writers fast tracking her back story. I think she has a tapeworm. She looks lkke Skeletor. It’s good that in the name of diversity B&B are bringing in Zoe and Emma to tick the “Less than attractive box”.
Last thing I want to see is a portrait of Emma or Zoe hanging over the Forrester mansion hearth.
I couldn’t find the right word last night. They’ve got the ugly demographic now.
Hope is taking to her role of bitch like a duck to water…..or a blowie to a polony sandwich. She did, however, fall short of saying, “nah nah na na na! π”
Newbies very unattractive but perhaps the young detective will fall for one of them. Hope so cocky that she’s heading for a major fall and just wait until Bill finds out about Wyatt and Sally – Fireworks!
Skeletor overload today. It’s as if I’m watching a zombie movie.
Stupid Thorne and Katie. Remind me that FC is a successful multi million dollar high flying company.
Can’t get enough Skeletor? Today’s ep is for you. She wreaks havoc in LA.
Now she’s caught. She’s after Emma.
They think Zoe might be dangerous, so they tell Wipes to wait there with her. They act like everyone who makes bitchy comments on social media might be a murderer, yet rush over to confront her.
I would rather look at Zoe’s Skeletor face than Emma’s pokey one.
BTW, Zoe is a reeeally fast painter. She knocked up those surf boards in no time.
There was an article in sunday paper about emma, seems shes 16 and was in a programme called Dance Moms. Newbies not attractive at all. Equivalent of our offce juniors yet they barge in to .meeting and wotsisname tells them not to do anything until he’s sorted it out.
Nasty , meddling Brooke. Perplexed Liam.
More drama with Skeletor.
Only caught the last two minutes today. Liam and Hope.
Why is Bill talking like Foghorn Leghorn all of a sudden?
Just watching now. Is Emma going on the catwalk to do the baby elephant Dance?
You mean the fatwalk.
I’ve seen the ep this morning. I hope Justin got a photo of the Liam/Hope embrace.
Yeah, Bill sounds like a Southern preacher all of a sudden.
Did u notice Maya with overcoat carried around strategically placed. I tthink Zoe may become a regular, she is getting too much airtime and the accent is shocking.
Zoe has just stolen the show at the fashion bash….despite looking like a shrunken head on a catwalk. Everyone loves her, doddery old Eric calls Skeletor a “star”
Justin is sending snaps to Bill of Liam and Hope cuddling .He shows them to Steffy…..and proposes again.
Ha ha. Emma trod on a model and broke her. That macramΓ© she was wearing still didn’t hide her buttinsky.
I’m starting to agree with Bill. Liam is a dead loss. He’s a really egotistical idiot.
Sara, I forgot to watch Maya’s tummy because I was distracted by Emma’s bum.
How come Emma has become so important! Leading the dancers before the fashion parade of rubbish I doubt any of us here would want to wear. You are right Daisy about the macrame and bums.
Yes, Hope couldn’t have Maya model (now we know the real reason), because her show is too special, but lets the macrame Tellytubby run a dance show. The Forrester enthusiasm was unconvincing. But yay! Go for it, Skeletor. Pokey (Emma) needs a challenge.
Steffy just caught Liam and Hope about to do the deed in a seedy dressing room tryst.
Yes, he’s for it now! Almost did it, as they say.
I kept yelling at the tv; “Go home, Liam!”, “Go home, Liam!” If he had listened to me ……
Liam is such a cheater. First Sally, now Hope. He had to try and have it all.
He was only listening to his loins by that time….
Brooke will be thrilled.
Steffy’s run to Dollar Bill, with Liam in hot pursuit.
Hey, it was just “in the moment”~ “it wasn’t planned”
Just like the pregnancies.
Liam’s vanity got him into trouble; the thrill of having women love him. Perhaps Sally should make it a trifecta.
It only “just happened” Liam because you hung around for two hours after the show, and helped Hope look for her fur purse.
I want Liam to be with Hope, because then he can pine for Stephie and Kellie. Hmmm, maybe Kellie needs a name change.
Steffy makes a pact with Satan. Bill doesn’t come cheap. Forrester shares for Steffy’s marriage.
Liam feels the guilt. He might as well have asked the babysitter to stay the night. The usual self pitying, hangdog looks from Liam, pick up the phone, Steffy. Too late, Bill’s almost in like Flynn. Symbolically, he gives her the schmaltzy sword pendant.
I knew Brooke would be thrilled with the debauchery in the dressing room~ Grope For The Future.
Bill says to Steffy: “I see myself in you”
He’s pretty blunt.
Sold herself to the devil
Brooke dishes out moral guidance to Hope then pops over to give Liam the crash course; Immorality 101: how to make cheating OK. It’s a lose lose for Stephie which ever way she goes. So much for the strong woman she is meant to be. What? Not enough Forrester money to make it as a single mum?
I caught the tail end of the episode today waiting for the channel 10 news.
So Brooke’s giving out relationship advice to her daughter?
Brooke? Aka, Ms “I’ve married the same guy 8 times”? Ms “Every significant relationship I’ve ever been in has started with me chasing someone else’s husband”?
Yeah, what could go wrong?
And even cheated on her own daughter by sleeping with here daughter’s husband
( Bridgitte and Deacon)
Big showdown at Steffy’s. Shouting and yelling, no one bothers to check on little Kellie. Liam’s acting bottoms out again.
“Take that, Liam. You ridiculous, vain wimp”. I would like someone to remind him of when he couldn’t keep his hands of Sally’s affairs. He’s a serial cheat.
I remember when one of his girl friends looked through a bedroom and saw him on the bed with the other.
Google has been stalking me. But the good side of that is now the ads popping up for me here are all holidays.
Liam telling Hope it’s sick that Bill will be Kelly’s Dad and Grandfather.
This from the idiot who thought it was a wonderful miracle that his girlfriend was pregnant while he was a brand new Dad to his wife.
Speaking of idiots, Steffy told Ridge that selling her soul to the devil is “taking control of her life”. Bill, Liam and Wyatt have all slept with Steffy. Now , that’s sick.
Hasnt steffi been married to a couple of them, as has Hope. Sick . Steffi looks as if the stuffing has been knocked out of her.
Sick is thinking Liam is a catch.
Brooke is like a stage mother pushing Hope. If you tried to draw a chart of the family it would be full of criss crosses and lines all over the place. Step mothers, step fathers, step sons and daughters, step grandfathers and grandmothers, half brothers and daughters, wife and husband swopping. Any more? Kelly is probably in school with Will – what relation would he be to Kelly if the marriage goes through.
It doesn’t look like like Bill and Steffy will get married now.
Not that Bill is giving up.Haven’t heard much of his precious tower for some time.
Stephie took a nose dive into the murky pool of bad acting tonight. She did everything bar bite her knuckles, stare off into the sunset, and sing, “I am woman, hear me roar”.
She’s and her two homes, millions of dollars and majority of Forrester shares are going to make it on their own now. Good for her.
A lot of cheap flesh on display today. Wyatt’s flabby gut.
It’s the new improved $upersteffy . Proud Ridge. Pissed off Brooke. Disaster looms.
Good to see Eric and Quinn but hold the Zander / Emma/ Maya stuff, please producers.
Wyatt looks like a soft, pudgy, pink blow up doll. Make up can oil him all they like, he still looks plump. They have probably tried putting body make up on him to give the illusion of muscle definition.
Steffi must be on drugs she’s so spaced out.
Yep, Steffy now thinks she’s some kind of divinity. The Lemon Bars have been spiked. The three of them had a religious experience.
Skeletor lands a modelling job at FC. Stupid Thorne knows talent when he sees it.
I am loving this new, statuesque, zombie Stephie. Liam is in shock that he no longer has two women fighting for him. Stephie almost had a halo as she handed the cheating egotist on a platter. It was almost a Bathsheba moment, “I give you mine enemy’s head on a platter”. Well something like that. In one move she took his pawn with her Queen.
Meanwhile Brooke is sending in her own Queen, but too late, it’s check-out mate. You can have him, AND my old wedding ring to remind you, you have my cast-offs.
Now Hope will never know if she is Liam’s first choice, and now Liam will continue to want what he can’t have. Good work Stephie. She milked her moment, leaving Hope and Liam like two wilted celery sticks.
Steffy gave Hope a dickhead on a platter.
Liam seems to be getting cold feet over Hope~ who doesn’t care how the ring got on her finger, she’s in for the long haul. Liam hates how it happened.
Saint Steffy hangs scorn on Brooke’s shallow life of being defined by the man she’s with. She’s better than that.
Skeletor gets her claws into FC.
Emma thinks she can take on unscrupulous Zoe with a, “You better go quit”. Zoe had the good grace to not fall over laughing.
Liam tried on the jilted hat and has trouble fitting it to his head size. Brooke sees trouble with Hope winning only by default. She wants an outright win, not an, “I don’t want him anymore. You can have him, and btw, would you like this old cardigan? I don’t want it anymore. It’s rather last season”.
Hope is just happy to get her man. Stephie doesn’t want a man who 1/2 loves her. Liam tells Hope he loves her, but pauses like a man who isn’t sure he made the right pizza choice. He still wants the 2 in one. Liam should move to Salt Lake City.
In twenty years time, young Kelly can tell Hope’s kid, “You got my mum’s rejects”. No doubt the war will continue to the 3rd generation.
Twenty years? More like five due Soap opera rapid aging syndrome (SORAS) .
So still in my lifetime. π
Thanks Daisy and Dave. I’m away for a few days so appreciate this. X
Have a lovely time, Sara.
Hope has all but slapped a ball and chain on befuddled ,docile Liam.
Steffy oversees a terrible fashion audition that features the cheek sucking Skeletor who “was channeling Giselle”. Oh, really.
I think Skeletor’s cat died. The LA cops will be on this straight away. Who shot Harry?
Ridge swells up with pride as Steffy repeats her new mantra that she won’t be defined by a man.Kelly must be suffering malnutrition by now. Meantime Steffy will get her gear off to model Forrester’s tacky lingerie collection.
Cheers , Sara. Have fun.
Thanks, Dave. We are in the car, on our way back from Perth when I was wondering what the Forresters were doing, and hoped you had updated. I love the new befuddled look on Liam. He just can’t process this new information; only one woman wants him. It’s like trying to comprehend trigonometry for the first time, and asking yourself, “Does this have any use?” “What do you even do with one woman?” “How does that even work?” “It’s like a Rubik’s cube”. Love is more fun for Liam when he can nibble from the buffet. He might have to get Sally to show some interest again, but she already has a wealthy new sponsor.
Who killed Harry? I would check Emma for suspicious scratches. I mean, weren’t Zoe’s last words to Emma yesterday, “Whot are yoo going to doo about it?”
Emma gets catty. It’s just as well Zoe and Zander didn’t have a child.
Dave, was it Forresters sex shop line? They could name it Sex, Silk and Saxaphone. And they could follow Hope’s example and include a free gift with each purchase. Something for when there is no saxaphone.
Yep. Black stockings and suspenders, FC style. It appears the company is moving into Bondage and S&M. The Grope For The Future line.
Thorne pats himself on the back for capitalizing on “the buzz” Skeletor created with her show stopper. Zander thinks Skeletor deserves happiness and I think she still has claws into him. Those UK accents are terrible. Usually I listen to music with captions on.
Ha ha. Quinn can accessorize the new S&M line. Whips and Underwires.
I hope Harry lives because he would make a good accessory on the catwalk. Zoe walking down the dais carrying her furry cat.
No pussy talk.
Zander has another possessive, jealous woman in his life. Way to collect irrational, insecure stalkers, Zander.
Harry died , so Skeletor says “jump” and Zander says “how high?” He runs to comfort her and Emma starts to sweat. Harry’s demise is going to give Skeletor some emotional leverage over Zander.
Dollar Bill still coming to terms with his “obsession” but flashing the Spencer sword around his neck nonetheless.
Ridge tries to dissuade Supersteffy from keeping the shares Bill coughed up. None of these folks ever get any work done, sticky beaking 24/7.
“Super Stephie”. ππππππ
Caught up but don’t think I missed much. What sort of company allows the office junior to take a phone call during a meeting and to then disappear on a private errand. Sorry about Harry but I’m having trouble taking Zoe seriously as I find her very strangely unattractive and hard to look at.
I think Bill has found the good Lordπ₯
Zoe finds a way to keep Harry close to her.
Liam can’t leave it alone. He has to pick the scab.
Stephie, think back to when he was making you take 2nd place to Sally, and made you feel small.
Emma has been digging her own grave.
What’s Liam doing sniffing around Stephie? He should just give one of them a rose and leave it at that.
Now that she has what she wants, Brooke tells Ridge that they should stay out of it and let the kids sort out their own lives. Said the woman who has been pushing Hope to seduce Liam.
Brooke and Ridge get hot and heavy to the clarinet? Or was it an oboe? Brooke doesn’t mind sleeping with her sister’s husband but refuses the same sax.
I had a visitor and the sound turned down, unfortunately can’t help with the instrument used for Bridge. Then I took Iggy for a walk ten minutes before the end.
I thought, Dave will know the love theme to Bridge. Never mind, the will probably make beautiful music again.
What you missed was Brooke giving Ridge some loose boxers and Ridge modelling them for her.
Stephie peeked in on Liam proposing to Hopeless, and shed a sad tear.
Forresters reminded each other that Emma was just an intern and had no sacking privileges. Zander was told to get his girlfriends to kiss and make up.
Thanks , daisy. I’ll listen on Monday morning.
I will write Sept’s precap over the weekend. But anyone else who wants to do one, I know you’d be worthy. Juz can add them.