Daisy’s Bold and the Beautiful recap – Dec

Over to our Bold correspondent Daisy (thank you):
I am sitting at my local café writing this. It’s no Il Giordino’s, but at least I don’t have to worry about any Forresters, or Sheila sneaking up to eavesdrop on me, although I’d be ok with Dollar Bill showing up to foot the bill. The menu here’s not fancy but there is no surveillance crew and I won’t get blackmailed…or kidnapped.
November saw a few more Forrester felonies. The brothers who hated each other from birth; Orange Lurch and scruffy, husky Ridge became best buddies so that they could stick it to Bill. They blackmailed a judge into ruling against him in a custody battle, and then threw the typhoon tycoon from a balcony. Now they are hoping that the new, miraculously healed Dollar Bill will let them both off the hook and not call the newly promoted Detective Sanwichez. It’s crisis time in Bill’s office with Judge Ham and the dirty-handed Forresters.
There’s trouble at Eric’s place. Or should I say, Eric and Quinn’s place? Not according to Pam, who thinks it’s still Stephanie’s house. Pam’s willing to work with the devil to destroy Quinn, but she is working with Donna instead. Donna has her cleavage out in every scene to remind Eric that he likes his honey between soft cupcakes. Eric is happy to take a ride down mammary lane with Donna, and doesn’t mind being her Honey Codger, but Quinn is ready to bring out the kitchen knives to burst their bubble.

Outside the immediate Forrester family (if that is even possible), Little Emma has taken a gracious bow-out, and cleared the field for Skeletor to get her hooks into Zander. Zander isn’t likely to fight her off. Emma is going to concentrate on dancing in white macramé, while Zander and Zoe make beautiful music in black macramé.
December will bring the usual boring Christmas episode, with everyone putting their evil deeds aside to sing carols to Honey Codger and his ivories. Babies and small children will be sleeping through the festivities like perfect little angels who won’t know who Santa is until they are 14. At least they are spared Eric’s Christmas serenade. But in the meantime Bill is calling the Forresters out on their “dirty little deeds”, and praising Saint Brooke for her heroism and integrity. It remains to be seen whether or not Quinn and Eric’s marriage will
survive, and if Bill sends the Forrester’s to jail.

In the meantime we listen to Ridge droning on about Bill’s poor parenting. Let’s hope Ridge and Judge Ham do a little time in the slammer.
I will leave you there, with Pam and Donna apologizing to each other, and vowing to be best friends forever. Santa Baby, please bring us a Bold & Beautiful December filled with revenge, romance and reaping what you sow.
Merry Christmas. 🌲Ho ho ho.



  1. Let’s hope Santa brings Liam and a few of the cast vouchers for acting lessons.

    Thanks, daisy. You’re like a fly on the wall at Il Giardino’s. I’m now ready for Xmas and Thanksgiving at the Forresters. Cringe times are here. Come home for Xmas RJ. You too, Sheila.

  2. The tribe gather. The Judge thinks Bill might go for the groin area.He’s covering his ham.

    • Bill won’t even offer any of them a chair….or a glass of Scotch. He’s been married to both women.

  3. Caption; “No Bro. There’s no little bald spot starting at the back of your head”. As Daffy Duck would say, “Make-up!!!”

  4. Why they think Bill should be a decent chap and not press charges is beyond me. But he will.
    Here comes the catch.
    The conversation between chop stick using Liam and Wipes is sickening. And Wipes is supposed to be the manly one. 😂😂😂😂 Margaret Thatcher, Sheila and even old Stephanie were more manly than Wipes.

    • Vegan take away that Liam’s into with the schlocksticks. They don’t think it strange that they both work at Forresters, either. One of them’s banging Sally Spectra , who stole big buck designs from FC. Yet they bite the hand that feeds them. I hate their brotherly catch ups.

      Ridge has to scurry out of Bill’s office like a frightened cockroach because Bill wants the clincher with Brooke.

      Orange Lurch has to eat shit in front of Liam and Wyatt about the old custody deal being reinstated. Those camping trips with Will are never going to happen now.

      • Poor Will can take that tent and sleeping bag back to the camping goods store, and buy a new game boy.

  5. What are these people doing eating Chinese take-away and hanging out in the head office?

    • I thought Liam was looking a bit pudgy today. I thought being the father of two babies to different women at once might have kept him a bit more svelte.

    • It’s like Hay Street Mall (a typical WA expression) in Ridge and Stephie’s office. Next we could expect the janitor and coffee lady sitting in there, feet up on the desk, having a smoko.

  6. Liam and Wyatt give Ridge some lip back at Forrester Creations. Ridge should just sack the two weasels on the spot but no he tries to convince everyone in the room that Bill’s ultimate motivation is getting back with Brooke. No one believes him. Katie , Lurch , Wyatt, Liam. FC’s finest minds…..can’t handle the truth.

    Holier than thou Liam squeals about the massive scandal just avoided through Benevolent Bill’s tender mercy. Father of two bastards at once Liam , that is. Ridge reminds the Spencer boys that they dragged their arses when poor little Will needed them. It’s a bitch fight.

    Bill is crediting his latest obsession Brooke with being his inspiration for change. Stupid Brooke believes Bill has changed and cares not for his precious tower any more.

    • Brooke swoons at being told she is the motivation for a complete metamorphosis. She should hire herself out to prisons.
      Katy might just be the biggest blabbermouth on B&B. Lurch’s role is to stand next to Katy with his hands in his pockets. No wonder he has been nodding off on set.
      Poor old Lurch. He’s everybody’s sidekick.

      Ridge was gasping his moral justification like a blowfish gulping for air on a jetty. But he’s right; Bill’s new behaviour/character looks exactly the same as his old character. 😂😂😂😂

  7. Wow! Ridge just told Wipes that “the ONLY thing” he liked about him was his loyalty to his dad. Ouch! And why did he hire him?
    Note: Ridge leaves Bill’s office, drives to Forresters, go up the elevator, have a long discussion, and Brooke and Bill are STILL talking. What’s more, they are still standing. As were the quarreling clan at Forresters. No one ever does the normal thing, which is sit down while they chat.

  8. Quinn, wisely for her, leaves Pam and Charlie off the Thanksgivings guest list and old softcock Eric adds their names himself. Ruler of hearts crazy Pam then comes in with a whole lot of hogwash about Stephanie sending her messages about Donna being back here to shag Eric. Eric indulges Pam while Quinn just happens to have found an ajar door, and we know what happens then. Quinn hears enough to send her evil gear up a notch.

    Liam and Wyatt go to Bill’s and Bill offers to start funding Liam’s tree hugging charities and laying it on thick about Bill 2.0. Now Liam is telling Satan that he loves him. Liam’s haircut makes him look like a vegan schoolboy.

    Ridge and Brooke get some alone time. Ridge gets all vulnerable and says he’s afraid of losing the flaxen haired one. Brooke assures Ridge that no man could tale her away from Ridge. Bad people do good things and good people do bad things.

    Bill 2.0 proclaims he’ll be the kind of person Brooke and his sons will love. He could even get a Thanksgiving invite.

  9. Thanks, Dave. Just starting now. Brooke just walked in looking like a fox. (The first time I have ever used that 80s word). I think she is wearing a corset under that black suit because her waist is tiny. Modesty Blaise.
    Pam is rubbing salt in Quinn’s wounds by insisting on talking on Softcock alone, leaving Quinn to exit with her forked tail between her legs.
    Pam is getting out her ouija board and pushing the glass to Marry Donna. 👻👻👻

  10. Oooh good. Get those claws out Quinn. Team Pam/Donna or Team Quinn.
    Brooke is being sage and profound. She is believing the pedestal Bill has set her on.
    The set hairdresser clearly has a grudge against Liam.

  11. I had to laugh, watching Friday’s episode.

    I think it says bad things about Pam when even Quinn seems sane (evil, but sane) compared to Pam’s inane ramblings.

    Also, was Bill really lecturing his sons about how much he loves Brooke and how much he wants her back? Wasn’t Bill banging one of his son’s wives, like, two days ago? Gosh, these people have short memories.

    • More laughs in store for Thanksgiving, a B&B highlight. Who will give the most cringeworthy speech and how high will Donna’s cleavage be hitched to trap the tipsy Honey Codger?

      To be fair to Bill, he only banged his son’s wife once…..after weeks of fantasizing and fixating about it.

      Remember Steffy was once married to Wyatt, so it should be a double kick in the guts.

      These characters move on to a new tragic relationship before the sand can barely run through an hourglass. Quinn’s pretty loyal, I’m on team Quinn.

      However the two insipid, stupid $pencer sons still declare their love for Satan.

      • I would like to see Quinn take them all down. At least she LOOKS AFTER her kids, and doesn’t leave them in the attic, or sleep with Wipe’s wives.
        Does that even make sense. Maybe not but it’s Bold, Beautiful and Bewildering.

      • “Remember Steffy was once married to Wyatt…”

        Wait, so, Steffy’s actually slept with every male member of the Spencer family?

        That is just messed up. Can you imagine the post-coital small talk? “Wow, baby, that was better than with your brother, but not as good as with your father.” Ew ew EW.

        • We’re not counting Will, because he’s only six or seven..

          Yes, daisy, Quinn looks after her kids, she married Liam for a while. But that was in the past , before she changed….

          • Yes, but she only kidnapped Liam, pretended they were married, and had sex with him to help Wipes so that’s ok. She’s a good mother. And as Dr Phil would say, “She’s all about keeping family together”.
            And let’s not forget…if you go back a little further, she murdered for her son, to steal the Hope diamond to Wipes could offer it to Hope. And where is the knuckle buster now?

            The Forresters and Spencers are about as clean as the Saddam Hussein’s. 😂😂😂

          • Then Will needs to go into witness protection, because the second that kid turns 18, Steffy’ll be on that like a fly on a cupcake.

  12. Today’s ep is mostly an infommercial for father of the year Bill, who has Katie in tears and eating out of his hands with his sap about being a great parent. Will comes in and is all over Bill, wanting to spend more time with him. A basketball game is mooted. It’s sickening stuff. Lurch’s nose will be out of joint with this latest Bill strategy. Wardrobe put a lot of work into making Katie look hot today..

    Liam and Hope don’t understand that Steffy is feellng awkward seeing them in a blissful marriage wfamily and having her future ripped apart. Raven haired joker lips Steffy doesn’t want Hope and Liam thinking she’s jealous,she says. We’re all Californian adults here in a parenting threesome.

  13. I was thinking that Stephie couldn’t give little Kellie a kiss without leaving a lipstick mark the size of Texas.
    Katy was sneakily busy trying to undig the hole she dug for herself when she stayed staying silent and kept sole custody of Will. Hell, if Bill hadn’t caught them red-handedwith his high-tech spy-ware, Katy could have kept sole custody until Will turned 21.
    If Bill doesn’t stop sucking up to Will with his charm offensive, he’s going to cause psychological damage….to viewers. It’s like the “loved ones episodes on Survivor and IAC”. 😝

  14. Thanksgiving is here. I’ve got a bucket handy. Who will give the worst speech?

    Hope and Steffy pretend everything’s apples.

    Donna looks hotter than hell. Eric will go weak at the knees when he sees her cleavage on display.

    Skeletor and Zander are overwhelmed with the Forrester wealth/white privelege around them.

    Bitch Pam sabotages Quinn’s food with spice.

  15. Welcome to “Pranksgiving” . Supine Charlie and Pam are low creatures.

    By some miracle, Donna gets a table seat next to Eric, who’s sure to cop an eyeful of tender breast. Quinn’s out of action with a burned mouth.

  16. Kindly old goat Eric celebrates “the power of family” to a table of freaks who have either slept with and/or tried to kill / shot at each other at various times. Worst speech goes to Eric. Closely followed by Hope

    Quinn is uncomfortable squeezed between Eric and Pam. Enemies all around her. Donna circling like a vulture.

  17. Wait, so Pam tried to poison the Swedish meatballs?

    Damn it woman. She could’ve taken out this entire clan of insane weirdos in one go, but she blew it!

    • Just overdid the seasoning a bit but Charlie as waiter did the dirty work of insisting Quinn have a meatball especially chosen by crazy Pam.

      Liam looked like a tiny weasel sandwiched between Hope and Steffy. That juvenile haircut in between all that glamour just looks out of place. Hope died inside when she saw Liam holding Kelly and taking her upstairs.

      • “Liam looked like a tiny weasel sandwiched between Hope and Steffy.”

        The entire time Liam was caught between the two girls, the only thing I was thinking of was, “Seriously guys, a threesome would solve a lot of problems here.”

  18. I missed some, but blah, blah, blah, blah…the food’s getting cold.

    Charlie is worse than Pam because he didn’t follow his conscience.

    Liam looks like mormon or muslim sandwiched between two wives, with no idea that it’s off. He might keep having babies to both of them…or better still, by next year, he might have a third pregnant wife at the table.
    No kids to spoil Chrissie dinner.

  19. For goodness sake, Bill, will you actually do some work for a change?

    Meanwhile, check out the detective tasked with finding who Bill’s shooter was. The man’s hair was bigger than he was! Is he hiding is gun up in there? Maybe an entire SWAT team? Yikes.

    And poor Taylor. I really hope, between attempting to murder media kingpins, she found the time to fire, or sue, her plastic surgeon. That man is clearly a sick bastard. But watching her try to act emotional was painful. I don’t think you could crack her expression with a ground-zero nuclear detonation. That was just … strange.

    • 😂😂😂😂 Windsong. You’re all in.
      Just about to watch. I might move my cggair back if Taylor is on so her lips don’t smack me in the eye.

      • Her weirdly-puffy cheeks would be a danger to small vehicles and low-flying birds, I’ll say that.

        But seriously, check out the detective’s hair!

        • That’s Det Sandwichez. He’s going to develop a love interest, we’re expecting. His hair really is something to behold.

          Bill does no work and his Mohammed Ali impression was so bad.

          • It was a high hair competition between Bill and Detective Sandwichez. Detective Sangers won.

  20. Taylor comes to visit Bill and give him some lip. Probably to save her arse from jail for shooting him. I think Hope copped some , too. I saw Liam…but mostly , like Eric ,I slept through today. Brooke is annoying me getting tearfully clucky about a baby that will destined to be ignored and neglected as they are on this show.

    • She’s got plenty of lip to spare.

      I don’t know. It was kinda dull. Taylor had the same conversation with Steffy that she spent all day having yesterday, and then she had the same conversation with Bill and Hope. Maybe all that botox is leeching into her brain? In any event, she’s really annoying, and I got to the end of the episode hoping Bill would just call the cops and be done with it, just to get rid of her.

      • What these rich LA types share with outlaw motorcycle gang members is a real reluctance to tell the cops anything. Perhaps not surprising, given Det Sandwichez and his cronies incompetence.

        • Even Jessica Fletcher couldn’t get a conviction at Forresters. There’s been more crimes than in 5 minutes worth of Midsommer. 😂😂😂

          Bill’s been handing out get out of jail free cards like he’s ……I don’t know…..I’m trying to think who else has been that benevolent. 🤔

      • 😂😂😂😂 “botox leeched to her brain”. Yes, please Bill. Call the police and get Sandwichez to take her away.

  21. I haven’t watched Bold since the 80s but just checking in to ensure this thread is not being used as cover to arrange Russian brides or promote the Clive Palmer party …. So, as you were …

    • Clive sent me a flyer the other day, but I binned it. Hasn’t he been looking well since his trial for embezzlement and fraud finished? No wheelchair anymore . Miracles .

      Nobody here but us chickens. We confessed that we were powerless over our B&B addiction. This is a safe place.

      • Nola Marino was sending mail to constituents but since she was on the side of Main Roads carving up our semi-rural paradise with a 4 lane freeway, everyone has been writing “return to sender” and sending them back. 😛😛😛😛😛

  22. Good that you are keeping an eye on us Juz. No promises on CP. 😂

    Hope went to Spotlight for some curtain material and ennded up making a dress from it instead. Maria von Trapp and the kids would be proud.

    I think Taylor might be the worst actor in the show, but it doesn’t help that her face has been concreted.

  23. Weak weasel Liam blabs to Hope that it was Taylor who shot Bill. This was after Taylor just chewed Hope’ arse out about scheming to ruin Steffy’s life’s . Bill’s too late to get Steffy to call her Mum off.

    Hope won’t be able to keep a secret.

  24. Liam’s … not very bright, is he? The entire episode today, all I was thinking was thank goodness he’s pretty, because he’s as thick as two short planks. I’d describe him as not the sharpest crayon in the packet, but I’d worry that he’d actually lodge the crayon up one of his nostrils.

    Meanwhile, Brooke’s lecturing her daughter on adultery (well, she’d know) and Eric and Quinn are still creepily married.

    The thing I don’t get? They just spent how long dragging out the issue of Ridge and the judge doing something illegal to award Katie custody of Will? I mean, that was drama upon drama upon drama, and then, nothing came of it. So now, they’re dragging out the issue of Taylor shooting Bill. Like, how’s that gonna be any different, narratively? Because the last time Bill had leverage over someone doing something illegal to hurt him, nothing came of it.

  25. So Ridge greets Taylor wearing a frilly apron that might be Pam’s. Only Charlotte Bronte or Meg (definitiely not Jo) from Little Women would wear.

    Taylor wasn’t even around when Hope was pursuing Liam by constantly running to him to remind him what a dependable angel she is, and what a huge failure Stephie is, and yet, even inspite of her unbalance mental state, she described Hope’s strategy to a tee. It was a lucid moment for Taylor.

    Just watching now. If Liam tells Hope, he might as well post it on Twitter;
    #Taylor shot Bill.

  26. Stephie should be pissed at the quiche-eating blabber boy for fast tracking the scandal to Taylor’s biggest enemy.

      • Dunno. There is so much forgiveness going around. Bill forgiving, Ridge, Lurch and Taylor, Stephie forgiving Liam and Hope, Pam and Donna forgiving each other, Eric forgiving everyone except his wife.

        • “Eric forgiving everyone except his wife.”

          Which one? The current one, or … you know, we could be here a while, never mind.

          • Eric was married to Brooke and Taylor twice and appeared in the first episode of B&B. Then there’s Quinn, Sheila and Donna. (maybe more, daisy should know) He’s the CEO of Forrester Procreations. Gotta be his bottomless pit of money and doormat /forgiveness traits ‘cos he doesn’t strike me as a chick magnet. A fridge magnet would have more charisma.

            You’d think Eric’s alimony payments over years would have crippled him more than arthritis etc .The private school fees for his numerous spawn.

          • Sorry, Eric used to be CEO of FC. That aneurism combined with Ridge shafting him.

          • I don’t know how many marriages Eric has had, but I think only Stephanie, Sheila and Quinn have been immortalized over the fireplace. Sheila doesn’t really count though as she had her own painting commissioned and I’m not sure it made it to the fireplace.
            But yes; Stephanie, Taylor (made it to the bed but not the altar- unless they were married before my time), and two Logans. Katie had a bash but not a pash. She tried but failed. Quinn saw the red lippy on the champagne glass and put a stop to Katy calling in for a cup of sugar.
            That hasn’t stopped Donna from coming back for some more honey.
            As yet Eric hasn’t investigated whether Sally is a genuine redhead, but anything’s possible.

  27. Sick making – Eric, Ridge and Thorne have all shared wives – not at the same time of course. Katie getting close, although she didn’t marry Ridge. Germs oooooohh

  28. It’s a big cat fight today. Taylor and Brooke are getting off the chain.

    Brooke is defending Bill in face of the blizzard of evil he is. Taylor reminds Brooke that she’s white trash made good by Forrester wealth.

    Brooke tells Steffy to back off and let Liam have space to be a father to his latest sprog. Mind your beeswax, flaxen haired one.

    Steffy is rightly mortified that dumbass Liam has told Hope who shot Bill. Now Hope’s got something big on her and Taylor. Liam’s excuses are insipid.

    Taylor’s about to bitchslap Brooke when high and mighty Hope steps in between and teases Taylor about what lurks behind the lips.

    • I missed today’s episode, I was picking up something at the post office. Sounds like it was fun!

      “Taylor’s about to bitchslap Brooke when high and mighty Hope steps in between and teases Taylor about what lurks behind the lips.”

      It’s not like Brooke could fight back, her hand would just bounce off Taylor’s face. In-built air-bags, and all (although they seem to be already inflated).

      • It was fun, but ruined somewhat by Liam’s wooden acting in justifying to Steffy why he had to tell Blabberhope about who shot Bill. It’s okay because she shot Bill with his own antique gun, pleads Liam. Brooke will be more unhappy knowing that Taylor put a slug into the new ,improved Bill, who she’s falling for.. Hope will blab for sure. Det Sandwichez is on the job.

        When does a pregnant woman get in between two at war super entitled LA matriarchs about to bring the violence?

        It’s encored at 7.30 in the morning, Windsong.

  29. There’s enough hypocricy going around on B&B tonight to fill a …jail cell.
    “Why isn’t Bill having Taylor put in jail?”

    BTW..I noticed this tonight…..put lots of eye make-up and a brunette wig on Hope…

  30. Hope could not wait one day to blab. To Brooke, another blabbermouth. Hope tries to muscle Taylor out of town. Brooke is overwhelmed to find that Taylor shot Bill. She tells Hope to focus on the foetus~ we all know it’ll be neglected and farmed out to sitters when it arrives.

    This is all stupid Liam’s doing. Steffy’s unimpressed with the weak weasel. He “had to tell Hope”.

    Skeletor’s father shows up. Little resemblance. He doesn’t look like a freak.

    • I loved the bit yesterday, when blabbing mouth Liam tells Hopeless, “No one knows this except Bill, Taylor, Stephie, you and me”. That’s all it takes. 😂😂😂😂 And Brooke will feel obliged to tell a few more people. The only one eho doesn’t know is Sandwichez; head of the investigation.

      • “Three people can keep a secret~ if two of them are dead” ~ Oscar Wilde.

        This will be all over Il Giardino’s in no time. But Det Sandwichez never thinks to go there. They can’t sell doughnuts and hamburgers.

  31. Little Emma just disappeared off the face of the earth. She didn’t fight for her man. She just seemed to suddenly lose interest, as though real life Emma suddenly got the sack, and they wrote her out by her just telling Zander, “Myeh”.

  32. Don’t police always have to work in pairs?
    Just add it to the long list of scripting flaws;
    No security
    No maids
    No cleaning
    No locks
    And Stephie and Hope can’t get a boyfriend that’s not Liam or Wipes.

  33. Is Skeletor’s dad a ‘predator’ or leech? He’s creeping me out. It seems that everyone who marries a Forrester, or achieves Forrester success, is pursued by an entourage of money hungry relatives.
    Woolif and I are on the precipice of, “I know who shot Bill”. “You can’t say anything”. Everyone who blabs adds, “You can’t say anything”.

    • I felt the bad Juju flowing from Skeletor’s father. Predator or parasite? I think the latter. Looks too sleazy to be a doctor, unless it’s a bad one. He looks like a boxer.

      “You can’t say anything.” Brooke squeals ~ “Taylor shot Bill?” . Ajar doors , overt surveillance and sleuth Sandwichez are in the mix.

      Dr.Phil told that alcoholic woman to pull her head out of her arse today. Professional.

      • I had to laugh when the guy’s daughter mentioned that his field is ob/gyn.

        Of course he is. He is going to be kept very busy indeed with this family of weirdos.

        You do make the point, though, that the Forresters’ wealth must be a bottomless pit. All these marriages and divorces and children, and none of it seems to have diluted their wealth even for a second.

  34. Witch doctor.

    I will watch the mandated reporter tomorrow. Today I watched the woman who wondered why her daughter was the Exorcist inspite of her having continually abandoning her, and letting her have her own You Tube show at 11 years of age.
    Mother of the Year.

  35. Bill thinks Liam is a dickhead for blabbing to Hope. He’s right. Liam is crazier than Taylor. He still wants a relationship with Bill. Bill rooting his wife and trying to blow him up wasn’t enough to put Liam off that idea. He’s more worried about harmless Taylor.

    It’s a good episode , ruined again somewhat by Liam’s appalling acting. I watched Neighbours this arvo and Liam is at about that standard of skill.

    Hope has already blabbed to meddling queen Brooke who’s already on her way to chew Taylor’s arse out.

    • I can’t wait to see Taylor and Brooke actually start swinging punches. Who’s gonna bring the popcorn? Although now I’m picturing Ridge showing up and asking them to relocate to a pool full of jello, or something.

      For all Brooke’s posturing, I don’t really think either of them had a point. Yes, Brooke, Taylor actually tried to commit homicide, but “following your heart” is a funny excuse for spending decades breaking up marriage after marriage after marriage to get your kicks. Buy a device with batteries, girlfriend, I mean, seriously.

      I’m telling you, Liam’s thicker than two short planks. And what’s going on with Steffy’s hair-cut? It’s like hair is trying to eat her head. I don’t understand it at all.

      Do you ever wonder about the conversations that Forrester Creations employees have around the employee lunch-table?

      “How’s the production line today, Sam?”

      “Well, we were due to start work on the new line, but somebody on the board slept with her husband’s father’s brother-in-law while simultaneously marrying her sister’s ex’s son’s half-brother twice removed.”

      “… again?”

      • Brooke and Taylor could strip to their Intimates for the cat fight but I don’t think we would want to see Taylor’s emmaciated, science project of a body.

        Ohhhhh. (Just watching now). Liam is vom. And Taylor can’t act AT ALL. She really can’t act. She just forgot to bite her knuckles.

        • I feel like, we couldn’t even tell if Taylor was acting, because her face is so frozen and bizarre that gale-force winds couldn’t move it.

    • There aren’t enough high horses to go around. I bet Liam was school prefect and dobbed on the kids who were smoking.

  36. Brooke is on her high horse. She forgot her own sister pulled a gun on…… I have already forgotten who Katy threatened with a gun.

  37. Once Brooke was told about Taylor shooting Bill, she couldn’t get over to Taylor fast enough, to rub Taylor’s nose in it.

  38. I wish they’d stop asking Taylor to act dramatically. She’s just … terrible at it. At one point, Brooke rolled her eyes and looked away, and it was like, that moment? That probably wasn’t acting.

    The funniest moment, though, was Taylor asking Brooke, “What if it had been your daughter? Pursued by a horny older man who just wanted to destroy her marriage to sleep with her?” Brooke’s response was, “That would never happen.”

    Um. Has Brooke actually watched this show?

    That’s the only thing that EVER happens!

  39. Dirty old dinosaur Eric made an appalling Geoffrey Rush type comment when he saw Donna in the dress.

    Quinn tried to seduce the old coot and he wouldn’t have a lemon bar of it.

    Taylor had to bow and scrape to Brooke. Crying and bawling, not a single furrow in her frozen forehead. Brooke wasn’t going to back down. So Bill’s Achilles heel is verbal criticism. He seems expert at dishing it out.

    • 😂😂😂😂 “Lemon bar of it” Those lemon bars go a long way.
      Yep, it’s just chockablock with ‘Me too’ moments (except for the [not so] innocent Hopeless, because “that wouldn’t happen”).
      Taylor couldn’t have been more accurate when she described Hope’s seduction process on Liam. She zoned in on Liam like a heat-seeking missile, by running to his dingy flat every two seconds to sympathize with him for having such an untrustworthy, scarlet woman for a wife.
      And I thought Taylor looked confident…no worried….no indignant….no confused. Maybe it’s a one expression fits all. All she can do is tilt her head.
      I don’t know what is more wooden, Taylor’s acting or her face. She makes Liam look like Sir Lawrence Olivier.

      • Maybe that’s the reason Taylor’s so terrified at the thought of going to prison? That long without a trip to her local plastic surgeon and her face might actually fall off.

        • It’s her poker face. 😂😂😂😂

          Boy, Brooke has got a nerve. Old fart Eric kicks his leopard skin wife out, then let’s Mrs ex wife come in and strip off. Does Donna have any dresses that don’t show her boobs.
          Cleavage is attractive when you are young. When you’re old it just looks like bumcrack.

          • Eric’s too bamboobzled to care, the honey bear will walk into the honey trap.

    • A normal person would be praising anyone who shot Bill, but~ “that would never happen” on this show. Taylor’s fine ~ just ask the therapist’s therapist.

      Ta for the telling photos, daisy.

    • Out of context, this screencap kinda looks like Brooke’s married her way through the entire male cast, so now she’s accepting a proposal from one of the female characters.

  40. Oh you peoples are so funny and great! Everything you write is bang on, I don’t need to comment, just read. Brooke, as we know is the real bitch around here. I am so bored with the programme at the moment, but of course can’t help myself when I organise my afternoon around 4.30pm! So incestuous – even Donna has been married to Justin, anyone else that we know of! I don’t find Pam amusing, loveable or nice, but who is in this programme. Next we will have to put up with the Christmas showdown!

    • Whaaattt??? I didn’t know Donna Boobsout had been married to Justin the crooked lawyer. Well maybe I had heard. Did they have a baby? Or was that Rick’s first wife, the gold-digging singer, with Daisy ( not me), the welfare worker’s husband (who happens to be one of Eric’s kids…I think.
      Now that I have cleared that up….

  41. Today’s could be the last episode for a few days or worse. The Xmas slap up should be today but the guide doesn’t mention it. Thanks, Sara. Didn’t know about Justin / Donna. Pam and Charlie are married in real life~ whatever that is.

    Sounds like Bill will have a bogus excuse for not dobbing to the cops.

    • Yeah, the ads said that the show isn’t coming back until the 31st. We’ll have to get by for a week without any Forrester relationship drama.

      I don’t know how we’ll make it.

    • Brooke’s lips are looking as tight as a nun’s purse. 😁
      They won’t be as sealed though.

      • Brooke worried about Taylor abusing the grand daughter. That was a bit much.

        Brooke is ” big on family values”. Yeah, married 13 times.

        Eric’s hand wandered a bit close to Donna’s cleavage.

        • Eric was hefting Donna’s breasts.

          If Little Kelly hurries up and grows up, Brooke can sleep with her husband. I’d be more concerned about that than wooden puppet Taylor.

  42. Tonight’s moment of hilarity came with Steffi and Ridge. “Only I know what Taylor shot Bill! And Liam. And Hope. And Bill. And Brooke.”

    I was surprised it didn’t end up as front page news by the end of the episode. It’s amazing that nobody ever tries corporate espionage on Forrester Creations, it really is. None of these idiots can keep a secret.

    Added hilarity was Quinn walking in on Eric and Donna … while Donna was wearing a full-length ball-gown? What business has your husband made his apparently-limitless fortune in, again, Quinn?

    • There has been corporate espionage, Windsong. There have been several crimes committed against the fashion world by Spectras…and that’s just the ones they designed themselves.
      With interns permitted phones into the private collection, it’s a wonder the Forresters ever get a fashion show up and running, that hasn’t already been mulitplied all over China.

      • I can’t believe the Forresters get fashion shows up and running at all. Aren’t they all too busy hooking up with their exes and in-laws and step-children? How do they even find the energy to do anything else?

        • I don’t think we have ever seen any of them work. Bill sits in his chair and receives guests. Eric mauls young wives (he is fondling Donna now), Pam the loony answers the phone that hardly ever rings, everyone walks in and out of head offices and eats Chinese food, and the boardroom is for talking about the bedroom.

          Ooops. Here goes another blab, “Dad, Mom shot Bill”.
          Go home Brooke. Stop twisting the knife.

          • “Wasn’t there a board meeting today?”
            “It was cancelled. Someone’s in there having sex on the table.”
            “Eugh. Thank goodness the pension fund here is so good. Someone call Pam and tell her to bring some disinfectant. And a bottle of air freshener…”

          • Eric crowed “At least I got some work done today” after he’d finished groping Donna. Eric had a broad meeting.

  43. Brooke’s face is starting to resemble a saucer of sour milk set out to lure a tapeworm from a patient’s stomach.

    • I thought Ridge told her to stay away from Spencer.

      That’s like the Pope telling paedohile priests to hand themselves in this morning.ie “That would never happen”

  44. I hate to think what the Forresters and Spencers will be able to get up to between now and the 31st resumption of the show.
    When we return;
    Kelly will be 10, Will 18 and co running Spencers.
    Taylor may have attempted to shoot Brooke, and Brooke may have lost an eye and now need a patch, until her new glass eye is ready.
    Eric will be married to Donna but no portrait as Quinn refused to move out, stating to Honeybear that it is either the company or the family home. Her portrait remains. Ridge is being such a dickhead, she no longer wants him, and she shows Stephie real woman power.
    Hope has her baby and uncannily it looks just like his uncle Wipes. Wipes tires of the Redhead because she has the personality of a cockroach, preying on rich playboys. Liam tires of Hope because she puts on “baby weight”. Ha ha ha. That never happens. I think in the few days they are away, Hope will have hooked up with Bill Spencer. Brooke gets mad because the eyeball makers, (are they called prosthetic eyeballs), got the colour wrong and she now has one blue, one brown eye….which Eric finds strangely bewitching. 👀

    • I like the idea that they collectively all become polygamists and just all marry each other.

      Oh, and if Will’s in his early 20s by the time we get back from the holiday break? That means Steffi will be dating him, which means she’s hit all three generations and every male member of the Spencer family. Possibly she has a bingo card?

      Oh, and Taylor’s lips will have exploded, and half the Forrester staff will have to be rescued by helicopter from a tsunami of collagen.

      • Wait, hang on, only two generations. I kept thinking Will was Bill’s grandchild, the son of Liam or Wyatt (or whoever).

        Gosh, it’s confusing keeping this all straight.

  45. Eric tried to upload the family tree to ancestry.com. but the website crashed.

  46. They have occasionally done a few moralizing lessons and pc messages. They should have an std storyline. Someone gets clamidia, or genital warts and has to back track to tell their partners. That would keep them all busy.

    • “That would keep them all busy…”

      … for months.

      Hell, it’d be faster to make a list of the people who wouldn’t have been exposed. Otherwise, you might as well just dose LA’s water supply and hope for the best.

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