Over to Daisy for the latest Forrester shenanigans (thank you):
What can I say? Shame on all of you Forresters.
Brooke, kick that grasping Rasper to the curb. He’s just an old lech. Truth be told he would suck onto any lips. Brooke needs to go back to sleeping with her juniors, perhaps Thomas. Now there’s an idea. She could put a spoke in his wheel with Hope and he could put a spoke in her wheel with Rasper. Why not? They are all sick or anyway.
Quinn, kick that barnacle, gold-digging friend, $hauna to the curb. She is eyeballing your mansion and wants what you have. Always beware in that situation that you could wake up to Eric and $hauna having accidentally switched bathrobes. She told Floppy Flo to shut up about the kidnapping because of m๐ฐney. She has “had her share of men”, but never struck gold, although in reality, she would have gone after $torm with a paternity $uit. Quinn needs to stop being boring. I don’t see her as a girly girl who would let her friend cut her grass, or even sit on it. I said, “sit”.
Eric, kick that leech $Shauna out. Before she starts stealing the silver.
Hopeless, stop walking around town in your dressing gown. Stop fantasizing over Douglas. It’s weird when you are ignoring your own baby. Kick Roach to the curb. Keep Liam…if you can, with baby Momma Steffy waiting to pounce.
Sally, kick Flubber to the curb. Too many reasons why but foremost; he is a whinger who needs to go back to having sex with his Mommy.
Liam, get a job cooking quiche and selling it from a van. No one believes you can run a company. In fact none of them could.
Steffy, kick Rasper and Thomas to the curb. Rasper, for expecting you to forgive the Roach and for agreeing to Roach’s idea of a fashion showdown. (What dickhead dad agrees to pitting his kids against each other? Oh wait. Eric did). Thomas because he tried to cover up the kidnapping.
Katy, kick Bill to the curb. Drop him before he drops you. As soon as he discovers Brooke is free, he’ll be showered and lathered in Brut, and over to her place. Only she is already cuddled up with Eric. Quinn! Forget the Barnacle and pay attention to your own love life.
These are the dumbest bunch of high flying tycoons in LA.
Thomas is a virus. Rasper is a lech. Brooke is a reformed husband stealer (yeah right). Flubber is a sookie.
Oh wait. I am just watching tonight’s episode and Hope grew a pair, if not a brain, and flounced off in her blue floral dressing gown, telling Thomas she would rather eat a bowl of maggots than work with him. Liam barges in to save the day in his little super hero cape, minus the leggings. I hope that Hopeless for the future doesn’t include a line of daywear brunch coats. Or doooo I.

It’s about time each and very character needed to be hauled over the coals. It’s all too true. The writers have lost their cognitive faculties.Thanks, daisy. The job is too big for Dr Phil.
For all the grief we gave them for dragging on the Phoebeth storyline, they’re doing far worse with the “Thomas is up to something evil!” storyline, which has been dragging on for how long, now? Thomas does something evil and Liam beats the shit out of him. Thomas returns, unscathed, to do something evil and Brooke throws him off a cliff. Thomas returns, unscathed, to do something evil and Hope throws him into a vat of acid. Thomas will inevitably return, unscathed to do something evil, and what’s his pointless comeuppance next time? Stabbed in the neck with a hairpin? Katie in the dining room with the lead pipe? Like, this storyline is the definition of pointless. It doesn’t matter what Thomas plots and schemes, it’ll come to a head, Thomas will get his comeuppance, but it won’t matter, and he’ll be back in five minutes and the whole thing resets.
Honestly, it’s all on my nerves.
Meanwhile, the audacity of the Forrester clan. “Thomas was indirectly involved in the death of one of our employees. He manipulated Hope into a loveless marriage by abusing his son and outright sexual-harrassment of Hope. When that went south he almost kidnapped her … so of course, we should recommend that Thomas and Hope work together on a new project at the factory.” WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!
No wonder various members of the family have disappeared into the ether, never to be seen again. I’d run far away from these nutjobs as well.
Jamie Fuckin’ Oliver.
Not happy, Jan. Where’s our show?
Over Christmas, they all go work on their tans, and get Botox and filler. Rasper takes a trip to Switzerland.bevause it’s the only place he can breathe. Eric goes to a health retreat and Google’s “,Singles over 40 and looking for love”. Flubber works on his abs, but gives up. Liam thinks about doing an acting course, but ends up spending 2 weeks at his Nan and Pop’s house. That’s nice. Steffy goes horse riding because she wanted to make good use of the equestrian outfit tho wardrobe had her wear last week.
Oh you lot! So true, which is why I haven’t been watching. Hope in her kimono, why does she have the starring role! Dave, maybe a little break for Christmas? Happy and healthy Christmas to my fellow posters x
Yes. Merry Christmas Bold and Beauties.I hope it is relaxed, and enjoyable, however it goes down. We will probably be watching telly in our pjs. We might put some nuts out. No, I don’t mean Woolif. He wasn’t raised to shoot the breeze.
Yes, Sara. Eric wished us a Merry Christmas the other day.
Yes, I thought I might take a relaxing soak in some Hydrofluoric Acid. I bet Liam wishes he had some nuts to put out…..
The most important, informative show on tv is back today. Let’s drink some hydrofluoric acid to that.
See you at Bikini Bar. ๐ด
It’s time to hate on the “unhinged ” roach again. Brooke’s been Googling what a psychopath is. Skeletor is going to turn spy and get her Forrester job back. Will she play it straight? Curtain.
Brooke (the one with the pharmaceutical degree) should Google the effects of hydrofluoric acid while she’s at it.
I think I should write this year’s B&B:
Liam goes back to Steffy, then back to Hope then back to Steffy. Quinn and Eric break up because playing Eric’s wife is too boring.
Flubber leaves his shirt on (yay) and goes back to Floppy Flo. But Floppy finds she can’t get pregnant for real (the surgeon punctured her ovaries when taking her kidney) also now her sole kidney is failing and she wants her other one back. So she tries to have Katy murdered and her kidney retrieved. Then she tries getting Dr Hooks to steal her a baby that she can pass off to Flubber as their own. By December next year Flubber is beginning to discover why everyone at Forrester, including interns and the man who delivers the bread to IL Geodino’s knows the secret except him.
Slept through it , sorry. I know I’ve made similar bad choices in the past but I’m making amends.
At 3 am last night, I’m wondering how this Skeletor spy sting will fall flat on it’s ill conceived arse.
Skeletor has a romantic interest in the roach, right? Thomas will see the snake in the grass. If he doesn’t , little Douglas will. He doesn’t miss a thing.
I think the roach will still be the phantom designer at the big showdown and Hope “wins”. So Hope’s been too busy raising Beth to design. Actually, she’s been hanging around Douglas like a bad stench all this time.
Oh I had to LMAO when Liam said Hope had been too busy raising Beth.
Severe memory loss on B&B. Everyone gas forgotten that Zoe was knee deep in Pheobethgate; more so than Thomas who came late to the crime. They have forgotten that if Thomas’s lips are moving, he’s lying.
And they have forgotten that Liam is overdue a wife swap.
I had visitors and phone calls today but I get the gist of the big Showdown. Liam was appalling talking to Wyatt.Thanks.
Liam said the magic words to Flubber; “Don”t tell anyone”. ๐คช๐คช๐คช๐คช๐คช๐คช
We know what that means. He’ll get drunk at Bikini’s and all of LA will know.
I love that Hope was so busy monologuing about her uncertainty regarding Thomas’s intentions that she didn’t even notice him staring at her chest.
Oh, these people.
I know. When his eyes glint and pierce and come over all glassy, that should be the clue that Thomas has gone into one of his romantic or dangerous, or both, reveries.
Hope should ask Pam to design the line. Or Charlie. Everyone else amazingly has all these talents. Pam could create a lemon bar range.
Clueless Hope was mentally undressed by a perverted roach. Steffy’s coming round to “forgiveness”. Vinnie the dealer is probably the sanest of this lot. Roachie’s just not that into you, Zoe.
Ok. So Hope will win the showdown.
If Roach keeps mentally undressing Hope, she should wear big saggy undies.
Hope: “If Thomas wants to picture me in sexy lingerie, well, I’ll show him! I won’t wear any underwear at all!”
Liam: *gets nosebleed*
Hmmm. Autocorrect turns “daggy” to “saggy”.
Slept through it. I’ll never be a designer. I’ll make amends. Hell knows I hope not to have missed a pulsating showdown….or Roachdown, I should say.
You missed:
Replay Ridge and Brooke leaving each other but not leaving each other but leaving each other,
Roach working on Quinn to push the Ridge/$hauna fling. In spite of being for the romance, Quinn couldn’t hide her disdain for Thomas’s involvement.
Roach peeping through a crack in Steffy’s office door, with glinting, beady eyes, overhearing Zoe and Steffy talk. Zoe is believing that Roach likes her
Liam asking Hope to be careful of Roach….and Hope telling Liam she wasn’t going to do anything stupid.
So you missed nothing.
Hope’s not going to do anything stupid. That fills me with confidence.
How about allowing a perverted , obsessed murderer to design her lines? Oh . but he’s such a talented designer.
Beth is practically an orphan in this.
Today I saw a dead ringer for Hope at the local servo.
I hope you didn’t undress her with your xray vision.
I hope he didn’t kidnap her baby.
Oh, it took me six minutes to go to the servo, during which time my dog found and demolished half a double cut cheese beef and gherkin roll. Took the Glad Wrap off no problems. I think he could make a good designer.
Hope “wants to believe that Thomas has moved on” from her. Maybe she thinks the earth is flat, as well. Not the way he was salivating over her body the other day. Brooke smells the rat.
Thomas has got everyone in LA fooled. Brooke now knows via Steffy that Skeletor is a stool pigeon.
Zoe has gone from ‘stork’er to stool pigeon?
Sorry. That was a bit of a Julia Morrison joke Dokteur.
Anyone else think Hope is falling under the roach of romance spell? The writers want us to think this. Tender moments with Douglas are helping. The family hug gives the roach a chance to rub his perverted appendage over Hope’s hand. Roach makes sure Hope sees the Skeletor kiss. Hope looks jealous. God help us, LA is eating out of the roaches hand. Nameless hot Forrester models compliment him.
Now Sally knows about the Skeletor strategy. The discussion between Wyatt and Liam is an appalling scene. Terrible acting.
Brooke and Steffy face off. Brooke blames the roach for her marriage break up. I can’t recall the reasons for thirteen previous divorces, annulments etc.
๐๐๐. The reason for 13 divorces. ๐๐๐
Now I am watching out for the appendage scene. I haven’t scene one scrap of work being done, at either company.
Liam and Flubber put on the performance of year 8 school thesbians.
It’s when Hope , Roach and Douglas have a group hug. The roach slithers his hand over Hope’s. He’s not obsessed anymore…….
Errrrr. Thomas zoomed in like a Pentecostal preacher with his laying on of hands. That was creepy.
To sum up today:
Thomas is a snake, everyone else is stupid, and still no one did any work.
Today the snake ravaged Zoe by candle light with his love lizard. It was like a reality tv date. Roach ~ ” You’ve got beautiful eyes” and Zoe is tearing the roach’s shirt open.
Everyone’s on the roach train except for Liam and Brooke ~ prophets in the insane wilderness created by the roach.
Work done today ~ 0
Roach gossip ~ unlimited.
Steffy and Phoebeth have moved on from each other.
And everyone gives Thomas another chance. ๐
Xmas is coming. Will Brooke turn up? Shauna’s declined politely for the “family’s”.sake. Quinn’s batting for Shauna. Everyone reminds Ridge how awesome Brooke is. For him “it’s complicated”
Guilty roach wakes up next to smitten Skeletor. He lies about having a great time last night. He’ll make sure that Hope sees the trail of sexual clues that he and Zoe have been at it. Liam’s brainstorm is sunk.
Eric, Quinn and Ridge know about Skeleroach already.She gets a Xmas invite.
Our hearts are ripped apart by solemn music and flashbacks . as Brooke and Ridge explore their personal hell of being apart at Xmas.
Roach drops hints as big as the Titanic to Hope about shagging Zoe. Hope’s pissed off that Zoe got a Xmas invite. It’s going to be a shite occasion. Curtain.
The roach, however anticipates a good Xmas. It’ll be a brawl….with Carols thrown in.
Hope did a lot of neck-cranking, like she’s a robot or Frankenstein creation, followed by awkward smiles.
For someone who wants to throw Thomas off her scent, she sure rocked up to return Douglas to Thomas looking smoking hot.
$hauna the barnacle sister looks very much like the “also ran” in Ridge’s love life.
So apparently they skipped right over Christmas, and we pick up today with our favourite clan of insane weirdos, sometime in the new year?
I do like the implication that Eric’s Christmas dinner, this year, was such an awkward and uncomfortable affair that the show skipped right past it.
So we did miss it. I feel cheated. Couldn’t fit all these nut cases into one room for some friendly Carols and Eric’s trademark Egg nog..
Xmas has happened . Apparently it went well. Did we miss it?
Roach bludgeons Hope into giving Skeletor a job on her line. When Hope’s not looking , the roach is drooling over Hope’s breasts and quivering lips. Like he’s really moved on.
Brooke is still cock blocking Ridge over the roach. She’s not buying the one night stand with Zoe….glad Ridge hasn’t filed the divorce papers, though.
Steffy’s drawing Liam in , it’s not going to take much.
What? No Christmas? That’s one way to avoid Eric playing the piano and singing. I expect that might be the reason, or perhaps it was the likelihood that $hauna might be Ridge’s other date, Roach would bring Zoe, and Flo would come because her kidney is there.
Oh my Gawd. Superman is looking right through Hope’s blouse as she yammers on naively. Don’t worry. Liam said Hope knows how to take care of herself. There should be no doubt that Roach is using Skeletor. He never looks through her clothes.
I think they probably skipped the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas this year as everyone find it all more “ho hom” than, “ho ho ho”. But they could solve that problem with a good Christmas fight, maybe with some torn clothing, hair pulling, name calling and lemon bar tossing.
Liam is trying to “simplify his life”. ๐คฃ Perhaps he should just get Steffy and Hope to move in together. Steffy really needs to move out of the dangerous house anyway. That horrific, mountainous precipice of a front yard is no play area for Kellie and Pheobeth.
The roach hate continues for everyone bar Hope and Ridge. Bill swears to handle the roach his way.
Liam goes to the roach and Thomas throws everything he’s got. “Vegan, computer geek, ne’er do well bastard of the Spencer clan”. Soon the roach will be head of FC, he brags. Liam’s got nothing. .
Thanks, Dave. I’m off to Perth so I will cling onto the thought that it will probably continue pretty much as is until I return. The Barnacles have been strangely missing.
Today the roach a little foolishly confessed his master plan for Hope and FC to $hauna, who he thinks will keep her mouth shut because her ultimate goal is to bag Ridge. The roach approves of $hauna/ Ridge. He taunts Liam for not putting a ring on Hope ‘cos he’s still stuck on Steffi. Crazy as he is, the roach has a point. Liam is dumbstruck, That look we know too well.
Yes daisy , more of the same. The roaches plans will become more grandiose, Hope’s not helping with her cleavage hanging out in front of the new unobsessed roach. Bill is in the wings, on the same side as Brooke.
Thanks Dave. Yes Hope has been looking extra.gorgeous the last couple of days, instead of slumped and grisling. She looked beautiful in that white jumper a couple of days ago. Even Woolif noticed that she was wearing a fringe in her hair. He then was reprimanded for not noticing I had a fringe that day. ๐ฅด ๐
Liam dobs to Hope about the roach’s power speech and threat and it looks like Hope is starting to get wise…..but she’ll back down because she needs the talented roach for the showdown. Great designer, too bad he’s a perverted, insane murderer in his spare time
Liam then goes to dob to Steffy , who’s on the reformed roach train. Liam gets an unsympathetic ear. He looks a buffoon (again)
Thomas whines to Hope that Liam is crazy, paranoid and that stiff shit, no apology for Liam. Hope is wearing a see through blouse , just to be sure not to feed the roach’s obsession. Thomas tells Hope that Liam is still in love with Steffy and Hope looks pensive. Curtain. All Roach, Liam, Steffy , Hope. Some stranger hit on Steffy.
It won’t be long before the 6 legged one urgently and immediately needs a model and no one is available except Hope, who buys the ploy and disrobes behind the paper thin screen. Roach has a spotlight behind it turning Hope into a tantalising striptease shadow puppet show.
And with any luck Brooke or Ridge will walk in. “What????”, asks naive Hope.
Liam proposes to Hope, the love’s not unconditional.
First Hope has to sack the roach. No more work time together.
No more co parenting the mini roach.
These are Liam’s demands. Hope will turn him down because she’s fixated on little Douglas. The talented psychodesigner will help her win the showdown. Curtain.
Liam: “You have to marry me, Hope! But don’t say ‘yes’ until I’ve finished monologuing for ten minutes about all the conditions and rules I’m setting out for you after agreeing to handcuff yourself to the ticking time-bomb that is me! But, still, I want you to marry me!”
I mean, to be fair to the scamp, he’s not exactly wrong to be concerned with Hope’s obsession with a kid that isn’t even hers. And why the hell she’s even in the same city as Thomas, let alone the same workplace, is anybdy’s guess.
I echo the sentiments. Hope will refuse the supposed love of her life, choosing Douglas over marriage to Liam.
Yes, “the scamp” is right, but then his obsession with Steffy just adds to the confusion. Doesn’t he know that continuing to be attached to his ex will give the Roach ammo?
6 legs is beginning to behave like a 8 legs; spinning a sticky web all around Hope, Shauna, his Dad, Zoe….
Oh and btw is Carter a eunuch? He has no gf, bf friends or family. He lives in a void outside of the Forrester realm.
If I recall correctly, Carter hit on Maya about a year ago….and she cock blocked him.
And it has remained blocked since.
Be fair, though.
If you were legal council for the Forrester family, wouldn’t you also swear off sex, for life?
Roach and Douglas barge in on Liam’s demands/ proposal before Hope can answer. Roach starts the knife twisting on late Liam. Liam is shitting himself. One punch is all it takes, Liam…..do it. Hope’s off to frolic with Douglas and Beth.
Ridge is beginning to get sick of Liam. What took you so long? Ridge is still a big roach lover , though. Steffy, too.
The roach is throwing around threats like cheap confetti. We know how dumb Hope is. She’ll do what the roach hisses at her and reject Liam’s “proposal”. The roach and Liam almost had a fight but Thugless and Hope came back in time. Thomas seems to be getting the upper leg.
Ridge tells Steffy maybe should reconnect with Liam. Hope’s all over the mini roach and tells Liam the conditions are too much and “don’t ask me to do this”
Hope’s on a high horse about the proposal demands. Hope’s acting skills ain’t happening here. “We owe our family to Douglas”. Hope rejects any ultimatums.The sad cellos rise. Liam walks out. Looks like Hope is dumped. Curtain.
Hope’s high horse is either a very shaky mule, or it’s ready for the glue factory. She might now how to ride it, but it’s ready to collapse.
Yeah, I should have said “high mule”. She’s had a donkey make the longest proposal of all time.
The Forresters don’t have a family tree. They have a family Hoya. I say that because we just gave one away, two actually, and they were so mixed up and intertwined.
For instance; Hope being mother to Douglas makes her mother to the son of the woman who was “wife” to her mother’s husband (or maybe ex).
If they’ve got a family tree, it’s pretty well rooted……
I am just watching (and cooking rice) Thomas prove that he has moved on from Hope by running Liam’s proposal into a ditch. Yes, Thomas has clearly moved on. ๐คญ.
Liam is going to get relegated to the back burner. No Hope wants boundaries. Hahahaha.
This is Thomas “making amends”
Wait, so Caroline dated both Ridge *and* his son Thomas?
That is a thousand kinds of gross.
I’m just waiting for Douglas to hit puberty, disappear for a few weeks and then come back in his 20s, and then he and Hope start dating. You know they’ll do it.
Short version : Thomas did a Bill Cosby on Caroline while she was married to Ridge. Then she discovered that she was pregnant with Douglas. She tried to pretend the rape didn’t happen (it was a secret) but unfortunately Ridge had, over the years, used up all of his sperm.
In the end Ridge did the noble thing and gave Caroline to the gather of her unborn child. Actually it was Brooke who made Ridge come clean that it was really the Roach’s child, and that Ridge was in fact, the grandfather.
Simple really.
Starts out a roach bashing session and ends with thrilling action. After a lecture from nosy Mom, Hope rushes off to the beach house to accept Liam’s proposal but the roach is following and he phones Steffy to tip her. If Steffy wants lame Liam , she has to act fast.
Steffy in the hottest shorts, starts kissing Liam passionately against the crashing waves. Hope turns up and sees them going at it. She’s horrified. The roach spies this all from his grassy knoll. You have to see the look on Hope’s face, worthy of a screen shot . Gold. Curtain.
The roach looks good kissing Skeletor just as Ridge walks in. Ridge thinks his idiot son has moved on. Wrong. Roach pulls one of his best moves.
Yeah. At this point, it’s so obvious that Thomas is still manipulating everybody to get to Hope, they really only have themselves to blame for this crap. Hell, if they’d turned their heads, they would’ve seen him (almost invisible, as he was, through a chainlink fence).
All this does is give us more love triangle drama between Liam and Hope and Steffy. JUST PICK ONE ALREADY.
In any event, Thomas is back hanging out by the beach house. Can someone push him off the cliff, again? Sure, the first time didn’t work, but I’m willing to keep trying until it does.
Point 1. They are all idiots. How old are they?
Point 2. I can’t have any sympathy for Hope, running all over town with Thomas and Douglas, abandoning Liam and Beth to spend family events alone.
Point 3. I can’t feel sorry for Liam who made a beeline to spend the night with Steffy.
Point 3. Ridge is being a dick.
Point 4. They’re all idiots.
And Steffy, Hopeless and Liam all need Specsavers.
I will be watching First Dates tonight.
Liam and Hope are through, thanks to the roach, who’s now outside Steffy’s beach house, spying on Steffy and Liam. The roach is phoning and texting Steffy to do his evil bidding.
The roach and Steffy hammer things out in the garden, somehow Liam doesn’t notice ‘cos he’s busy having flashbacks to his lame demands/ proposal. Roachie implores Steffy to “get your family back”. He’s movin’ on alright.
Teary Hope whines “I can’t do this anymore” to Brooke who tries to reassure her not to dump Liam. Hope’s doing it all for little Douglas, who gave their baby back to them. Hope doesn’t want to end up like Brooke.
$hauna and Ridge have a quiet moment. Won’t be long before they’re at it.
Lord knows how Kelly slept through the ruckus. Abandoned by these loving, caring and sharing Californians/ model parents. A Coyote or Cougar could run off with Kelly. No one would know. Call Det Sandwichez.
She would fall over that 50m cliff into the sea first.
Hope needs to try single life. But nooooo, she will fall into Roach’s 6 arms.
Ridge already knows about the kiss at the beach. The news has spread like a coronavirus.
Ruler of hearts Quinn does her best to get Wyatt to dump Sally and marry Flo, so he goes off to visit Flo who’s just been gossiped to by $hauna with the latest. Flo flashes back to her freeloading Flubber tryst in the Forrester mansion.
Sally’s struggling with her designs and bullying Ridge and Steffy brutally hang shit on her designs being an insult to the company. Sally’s practically sacked. She has hand tremors. I hear hospital beepers and crowded visitors rooms. Curtain.
Roach free zone today. No Liam, Hope. Brooke, Douglas. We needed a break from those fools.
Even Coach Mike, Dr Phil and Dr Sophie altogether can’t help this lot. Separate pony camps for all of them except Flo and $hauna who only require Coach Mike to teach them to stop being freeloaders. No pony camp for those two.
What the hell does $hauna do? Nothing except wait around Eric’s mansion getting the pretend, invisible phantom chef, Maria to make tacos and burritos for her
NTW, is this just me, or excellent wardrobe and make-up? I get a smelly, stinky vibe from $hauna, which is weird because I used to think she was pretty, a long time ago.
Does anyone else get a really trashy “odour” from her,?
What can we expect from a “slut from Vegas”?
We never see these characters showering etc…..unless it’s under Eric’s treasured outdoor shower/ perving area.
I got an “odour” from Coach Mike.
This mob are nauseating. Flubber visits Flo and cosies up. Both flirt with each other. Katie summons Flo. Flo and Flubber pash.
Ridge confesses to Brooke that he kissed $hauna a few fimes. “I made a mistake says Ridge”. Hmmm. Ridge can’t count. “It’s just a friendship (with tongues)”, says Ridge. Brooke is all over this. She quickly gets to the bottom of $hauna and Quinn and their tricks.
Quinn gives Eric a cool kiss on the lips; no tongues. She coos how happy she is to have her friend staying with them. $hauna simpers her thanks to Eric. Eric is in his element. Goes upstairs to find his Viagra.
$hauna rings Ridge to make a date; dinner and champagne…just friends. Ridge can’t go because he has told Brooke. Brooke runs to Eric and insists he kicks $hauna to the kerb. Eric can’t believe that $hauna would hit on Ridge, and he definitely can’t believe that Quinn is in on it. Brooke wants them both out the house.
Pan to Quinn, listening from the top of the stairs, furious.
Brooke’s just starting to sound more and more unhinged. Like, okay, we get it, Evil Thomas has been plotting against you … but now she’s telling Eric that Evil Quinn has been plotting against her the whole time as well? Still, I bet Quinn fights dirty. Take Brooke down a peg or two, Quinn. Nobody would mind.
So is Wyatt going to dump Sally for Flo? Again? Damn it, Wyatt. Gosh damn it.
I missed the first ten minutes, but plenty happened.
There was a pity/ forgiveness pow wow for Flo in Bill’s office, with Cleavage, Justin, Katie, Will and Bill, Flubber. Everyone makes a lame speech about Flo’s offal donation. Flo and Flubber get the soft romantic muzak, no sexaphones yet.
Eric and Ridge weigh in with terrible performances. Brooke might go after Eric again. He’s “there for her”
Then we move to today’s bitch fight between Quinn, Brooke and $hauna. It’s great. It gets violent, alright. The portrait isn’t looking too safe. Brooke’s crazy. eyes are a highlight, ditto Quinn.The acting in this scene wasn’t bad at all. Must see. feathers flying tv.
I thought today’s episode was great.
We started with a few minutes of high comedy, with Brooke whining to Eric, “You of all people know how difficult it’s been for Ridge and I to be together.” Would one of those difficulties, Brooke, be all the times you married every member of Ridge’s family, including his father, the guy you’re talking to, right now?
We cut to Spencer Publications for the 15 millionth retread of, “Flo’s really sorry about the baby-kidnapping thing”. As predicted, Wyatt is immediately back in love with Flo, making this the second time he’s dumped Sally for Florence. I bet Sally will take the news well?
Then, back to the Forrester mansion for the showdown between Quinn and Brooke. Quinn got some fantastic one-liners. I genuinely laughed when she told Brooke, “It’s so hard to figure out the status of your marriage, or whether you’re even a member of the Forrester family, given it changes week-to-week on which man you’re married to, at the time.”
Shauna shows up and tells Brooke that given how she was treating Ridge, it’s no wonder that Ridge thought he could do better (I mean, she has a point. Brooke did take her ring off dramatically and did everything to drive Ridge away), but Brooke isn’t happy about that and slaps her.
This sets Quinn off. With crazy-eyes flaring, Quinn slaps Brooke to the ground, telling her, “Stephanie taught you how to slap? Bitch, you should’ve learnt that from ME!”
It was kind of awesome. I have to admit, I’m siding with Quinn on this one. Brooke is sounding faintly unhinged, and blaming Quinn for some wild behind-the-scenes conspiracy targeting Brooke and Ridge’s marriage … and then storming into Eric’s house and demanding that he divorce Quinn? Brooke’s approaching the madness horizon and rapidly accelerating, you know?
Thanks for the preview BDD and Windsong.
I will try and get a nightcap done tonight for the next month or so.
I will do a First Dates too if it’s on tonight. They are going to mingle it up with I’m a Celebrity Whose Picking Up the Bill?
First Dates 9 o’clock Wednesday.
Thanks, too Windsong.
Oh yeah. I will do a maafs if Juz wants it. Not sure when I will get it up.
“Not sure when I will get it up.”
So are most of the MAFS husbands.
I have sent in B&B. Here is a preview.
Be very afraid….
Eric walks in on the aftermath of yesterday’s fight. He looks pretty helpless. He is. He’s with three beautiful ,unhinged women and he “doesn’t like violence in his house”
Flo and Flubber kiss. He’s on his way to dump Sally but hot damn, Sally is in black lingerie, planning to seduce Wyatt. I say Wyatt will weaken and be seduced. He’ll have his lemon bar….and eat it , too.
So Flubber is going to do the “after-sex break-up”. How low can a Flubber go?
All because Sally called Flubber “Liam” in a special moment.
It’s war between Quinn and Brooke. Eric just wants some peace and he’s annoyed with both sides. It’s looking like Quinn and $hauna v Brooke and Katie.
Bill and Katie approve of Flo for Flubber’s new fling. Fo rehashes Catalina for them one more time. Offally grateful and all that jazz..
Leave it to Quinn to despise Brooke for “working her way into this family on her ,back” Brooke hates people from Vegas. Brooke is losing it more than Quinn, maybe Brooke will fall off the wagon. Quinn makes a vow after a few drinks to take care of Brooke once and for all.
Flubber dumps Sally but she’s not going to let him get away. She should bin him. He knocks back the sex on offer.
“Fo rehashes Catalina for them one more time.”
Eek. Glad I missed it today, then.
Meanwhile, Wyatt has dumped Sally for Flo, *twice*. Why on Earth does she even *want* to stay with him?
And honestly, neither Quinn nor Brooke has any talking room, re: marrying their way into the Forrester billions.
The show is just one carousel of gold diggers and adulterers preying on each other in the name of “family”
We’re getting a Roach/ Liam/ Hope/ Douglas holiday.
Did he? Did he though? Has Flubber really dumped Sal?
I mean she does have all her kidneys.
He gibbered that ” I….. I…….I’m in love with Flo”
Sally’s not processing it .