Australian Survivor: All Stars starts on a Sun, Feb 2.
The full cast has yet to be released but most names are out, including two winners, several alphas, some strategists, some alpha strategists and one “character”.
Here’s who’s “in” this far. Anyone else you really want to see? We know Luke is a no go.

Nick, Adelaide English teacher, cast as “The Snake” on the Mateship season, AKA season 1

Shane Gould, Olympic swimmer, winner of Champions V Contenders 1. Catchphrase: “Don’t F—- with Shane Gould”

Phoebe. Lawyer from S1. Smart. Dangerous. They should vote her out, stat.

Flick (Felicity). Made it far in S1 and blindsided BFF Brooke.

Brooke. Big threat in endurance/balance changes. Also a social threat. Was blindsided by BFF Flick in S1.

AK (Aaron). DJ from Adelaide. Made a horrible first impression in Season 2 by playing too hard too early. Created world’s worst fake idol “chicken idol”. (Ok, Ozzy’s stick was worse.) Entertaining to watch.

David. Model. Golden God. Destroyer of popcorn. Master of sarong drapage. Physical threat and lives to play the villain. The biggest breakout character of CvC2 and Luke’s BFF that season.

Jericho. Flight attendant. Winner
S2 in part thanks to tight alliance with Luke. The Cookie Monster. Social threat.

Henry. From Adelaide. S2 contestant who pretended to be a yoga instructor. Tried to be a villain. Entertaining.

Tarzan (Mark). S2 casting director’s attempt at getting a Rupert. Not particularly interested in playing the game.

Locky. Adventure guide. S2 alpha who went on immunity run near end. Strong but not super strategic. Could be a good meat shield.

Lydia. Winter Olympic skier. Biggest challenge beast in Survivor AU history. Played in CVC1. No strategy but mad abs.

Harry. Ice cream vendor who has a bunch if side hustles. Talked a big game about being a villain in CVC2 but did not really act like one. Pretended for a while to have a fake son, Oscar, but fessed up when confronted by Ross. Could go under the radar.

Mat Rogers. Footy champion. Big physical threat and led a champions alliance in CVC1. Got too cocky and went home with an idol.

Jacqui. Celebrant. In S2 Henry tried to do a Malcolm and Denise with her but they were busted. She did not go far in the game and could have been cast for All Stars because other women were not available.

I like that Henry’s back, mostly because I found him very attractive.
Glad that Harry’s getting another shot too.
Please, for the love of all that is holy and right in the world, don’t have invited Daisy back.
I liked Henry. He had that cheeky spark.
Oh dear lord NO. NOT Daisy. That horrid thought hadn’t even entered my head. NO.
Doesn’t it though?
It would be rather amusing if everybody had learned their lesson while watching at home, and so all the actual smart people were competing with each other to see who could manipulate her the best, or just spend their days trying to get rid of her, as quickly as possible. I would do option (b). Why risk it?
I thought Lydia was pretty ordinary too. Other than in challenges, lol. But there seems a bit of a shortage of women.
I loved Phoebe – she was so smart and so strategic – the EXACT opposite of a Daisy. Now panicking that they will bring the idiocy of Daisy back into the game as she is a Fair Dinkum Character. YIKES.
So I will remember calming thoughts about Phoebe and her smarts.
And speaking of smarts, surely Sharn will get a go?
I keep trying to remember good women- I liked Tessa as well, even if she didn’t always play the best strategic game. She got a raw deal being thrown off the jury.
Daisy will totally be back. So many “good” women were unavailable for family or work reasons. I am pretty sure Daisy and Mullet John will be on it. Other good players from CvC2 did not want to play back to back. I would have liked to see Shaun, Pia, Janine.
I fear you are right. BUGGER. They loved Daisy and John. I actually way preferred John over Daisy as her sheer STUPIDITY drove me bonkers and ruined the play of much better players.
Shaun was a total revelation – he was strategic and a challenge beast. I liked him a lot too and would be happy with Pia and Janine also.
Absolutely, I’d like to see Shaun (swoon) and Janine back.
If mullet John has packed his black speedos again, I’m onboard.
But anyone but Daisy, though. She ruined last season, for me. I can’t put myself through that again.
Right there with you Wind. I would have to get her out straight away as she was such an idiot and paranoid and delusional that you couldn’t trust anything she would do or say. Can you tell I’m not pro-daisy? I get the idea that she could be manipulated, but the risk or her flakiness and telling the wrong people the plan, etc would surely outweigh any possible advantage she might bring.
She can’t count to 11. Very basic Survivor gameplay is totally lost on her. That would make her a dangerously-unpredictable wild-card (and I would advance the theory that she’s too stupid to manipulate). If I was there, it would be a case of getting rid of her, as fast as possible.
While I snuggle up with Shaun on one side and Locky on the other. For warmth, you see.
the LITERAL meatshield, hey Wind?
Survivor AU does not always cast interesting or game savvy women players. I want to see more like S2’s Annelise and Sarah
Dirty Harry is more Ageist Harry or Sexist Harry, with the aside about Shane Gould’s “nanna shoes” in the promo.
Odds are in reality, Harry won’t survive the impact of global warming long enough to reach Shane’s vintage.
My absolute favourite was Shaun but I doubt whether Megan would let him go through that again.
Shaun did a great post season podcast and I loved watching Megan’s Insta stories of them watching the show together – the only Insta stories I have ever watched
I’m not looking forward to it. There are a few that I feel I have already been through the feelings of wishing them evicted, and now they are back. I am mainly thinking Flick and Lee.
I am wondering if winner Kristie will be back. Lee has not officially been announced but I think he will be a goer. The inter web seems to be hanging out for Shonee to return. Perhaps Tegan (as in Heath and Tegan) will be another.
I’d like to see Australian Survivor : The Goats and see Daisy in there where she belongs.
Wasn’t that basically just the last season, we all sat through?
I did think Dirty Harry was a goat. Still do. Tarzan might be a goat in wolf’s clothing. Others may get on my goat…… The Godfather.
Harry is another Ciera, not a great player but incredibly good at sounding like a great player.
Ten has announced Luke is doing an after show on Tenplay with James Mathison (ex-Australian Idol host), who is apparently a Survivor fan. And podcaster Shannon Gaitz (who has been on RHAP several times and is brilliant) is also on the show
Other than the speed at which she talks (and I’m a fast talker myself) Shannon is fantastic and a wonderful choice. She is no knowledgeable about survivor – this is a great idea! I am in for this show as well.
Speaking of survivor Juz, are we going to have a thread about US Survivor? I am supe excited for it too. . . Too much survivor is never enough. And after last US leaving a nasty taste, it will be good to look forward to this one.
Unfortunatley, this is where my relative newbie-ness at survivor will let me down as I haven’t done all the past seasons so some of the winners are unknown to me.
I don’t know Michele, Yul, Ethan, Sophie, or Danni. . . 🙁
Yes will do, BS. I have been listening to the RHAP preview podcasts about each player’s chances. I have seen all of them play before so it will be fascinating, although the return of E of E sucks
Thank you! I have been listening to them too.
I heard another podcast which I enjoyed – The Survivor Specialists: Phil and Alexa. Have you heard them? They are interviewing a player from each season about the winner of that season. Pretty fun listening. e.g. Kelly Wentworth on Jeremy Collins. The one with Johnny Fairplay – YIKES! He reviewed Sandra. . .
Some great moments here but Kristie’s challenge win was such a triumph, it has to be No. 1.