Bachelor Locky

The new season of The Bachelor starts on Wednesday on Ten with what is the ultimate Survivor crossover.
Two-time player Locky Gilbert is the new Bachie. Think tall, dark, tatts, athletic, more articulate than Honey Badger but not a Matt/Matty J-type vocab.

At least his Survivor experience would have made him used to talking to the camera.
He’s a wild wilderness guide from WA who is based in Bali, so his ideal match is a bikini influencer.

Apparently the pandemic meant some dates were conducted via video, so perhaps there will be less snogging this time round.

AK as Osher, Lockie as the Bach.

Now, if only we could convince Osher to take the night off and let AK conduct the rose ceremony …



  1. I was always quite fond of Locky on “Survivor”. He seems like a decent sort and he’s easy enough on the eyes — tattoos notwithstanding — but I’m not sure I’m ready for the “Bachelor” to destroy my pre-existing image of him (which it does tend to).

    Having said that, I think it’s going to be fascinating to watch, purely to see how a franchise like “The Bachelor” deals with covid. They shut it down, halfway through, and sent everyone home for a bit, didn’t they? So at the very least, it’s going to make for interesting viewing.

  2. “…more articulate than Honey Badger…”? Thank heaven for small mercies.

    • The Honey Badger was a complete disaster on every level. Inarticulate, narcissistic, humourless, unkind, and worst of all, not even easy on the eye.
      He almost single handedly almost destroyed the entire franchise. I will pause here for a second thought: Richie and Matt were fairly awful seasons. Okay. Maybe that was a step to far.
      Let’s just say, he is my least favourite Bachie but his season was saved by some lovely ladies. They deserved better.

  3. Lockie will be out of his mind not to choose the tall blonde first seen in the early promo. Name starts with “s”. I know that blondes are like botoxed blowflies on these shows but wow.

    A lobotomized gorilla would be more articulate than the Honey Bludger.

  4. I noticed he only gave Areeba a one armed hug in the promo.
    She may be kept for “diversity “ but I can already tell that she will go home soon.

  5. It seems that Locky’s ex has come out of the woodwork to say he cheated on her.
    So …. good start to the season?

    • She’s his ex, she probably wants attention and Instagram likes as much as he does, so, I wasn’t really listening to her.

  6. I’ve had trouble getting into the reality servings this year. I will give Bah Loch a try and hope it gets me in. I think it might be because the it doesn’t feel like “real”. I think it’s partly their choice of professional fame whores.

  7. It’s started well.

    Locky’s a decent-looking rooster, and he seems boyishly-charming (but not terribly deep, so far).

    I actually liked the first girl Steph, who spends a long time flirting with Locky over their mutual love of burritos. It was better than it sounds. I mean, every great relationship has to start with common ground, right?

    Of course, much is made of the fact that the second girl is asthmatic (she’s carrying her inhaler in her cocktail dress, and gives herself a mild attack from giggling too much during an interview segment). Ordinarily, that would be mildly-interesting, but given the outside context of covid-19? This poor girl could wind up in a horror movie!

  8. Sexy Steffy likes “capsicun” but wow is she gorgeous.

    Did Locky say “I’m hard”? Geeez, what a charmer.

  9. How come very few of the girls knew who Lochy was? Did none of them watch Survivor? Or see a commercial for it?

    • Locky was on Survivor twice. Soon these gels will meet Locky’s Saliva.

      Zoe ~ Claire will be a walk up for Bachelor in Paradise. I guess a penguin wouldn’t survive in a tropical environment. These vultures are sure dirty to be upstaged by a penguin.

    • I know! Like, fair enough, a lot of people did not watch season 2 (which is THE best season ever of Australian Survivor, by the way) but All Stars was popular and Locky was one of the heavily promoed cast members. I reckon they must have been too busy watching Love Island.

  10. Wow, this cocktail party is a roller coaster ride of insanity, emotions and alcohol. From the girl who stripped out of her penguin costume, to the girl who’s having a full-blown nervous breakdown over the colour of her own hair … my gosh, Locky. Run. Just run.

    I do like Steph the burrito girl, the nurse (she and Locky have clicked, right off the bat), and the last girl in that beautiful golden gown who gave Locky the heart to clip on his sleeve. I liked her.

    I am amazed that so few of them recognised him from “Survivor”, though. I was walking down the street, once, and recognised Lee Carseldine on sight.

    • I did think the heart clip may have had a tracking device in it. But yes, lovely gel.

  11. Honestly, I felt this was a pretty typical opening episode of the Bachelor. We meet the Bachelor, then we meet the crazy people in the cocktail dresses. There’s the girls who are there to win, there’s the girl who’s gonna “keep it real” (ie, be a jerk to everybody), and the ones who were cast for the drama of them being awful.

    The mean snob … and the insane red-head … are both shoo-ins for “Bachelor in Paradise”. They’re both just … awful. And I understand why the mean snobby girl is single. Good lord.

    Every year, there’s one contestant who, you know, she’s not going to win, but she’s just too classy and mature for this nonsense, and I think that’s Irena the nurse, this year. She’s too good for him.

    Early favourites are Steph the burrito girl, and Bella, the girl in the golden dress. As for the unofficial season narrator, yep, that’s the penguin girl with the silver hair.

    Maybe I looked away, but I could not even begin to imagine why Locky gave the special magic rose to the Las Vegas showgirl. Who the hell was she? Had we even see her, prior to that moment?

    • Yes. He literally “picked up” Maddy earlier and held her above his head, if I’m correct that she’s the profe$$ional dancer.

      Hel yeah, I’m on the burrito train.

  12. How many of these girls are trying to be the next Keira? They just want to get to Paradise.

  13. There are a lot of very young women on the show.
    The dance girl seems nice but that rose just guaranteed she won’t get a date for weeks. If she’s lucky she can sneak in a real-life one before the Zoom dates start.

    • Locky’s quite a young-at-heart guy, so I feel like a batch of younger bachelorettes (girls in their early-to-mid 20s) would appeal to him a little bit more.

      They’re not taking the chance of a repeat of the Honeybadger incident.

    • Young at heart? Or immature?
      Is this a guy who will move on every time his arm-candy turns 30?
      Having said all that, if he is serious then it is the girl in the golden dress with the little heart.
      She was one of the few where he seemed to forget that the camera was right there and he was supposed to say something stoopid, being the *star* and all, you know?

      • “Young at heart? Or immature?”

        Eh. Column (a), column (b).

        But I do agree with you that it’s Bella in the golden dress with the little heart.

    • JLAP is the gift we didn’t know we needed at this time! Continue tweeting!! what did he call it? #Survachelor ? We are not worthy.

  14. It’s been pointed out that the latest season of Survivor screened against MAFS, which could be why so many of them did not recognise him

    • I know. Imagine the outrage when he breaks Bella’s heart. It’ll be Richie and Nikki all over again.

  15. Geez they stretched out the photo shoot – and no rose ceremony!!!! What the! Do they need to pad things out because of the covid interruption?

    • Yes. Whole episode for the cocktail party and rose ceremony! They need to pad it out if they want to air the same number of episode

  16. A bunch of girls who want to go on TV and get famous and a guy who wants to go on TV and get famous, pretending they are there for love. There are a few nice looking girls, and the obligatory villainesses.

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