Nearly June chat – political creep

Here’s a new general chat thread with Bobi (thanks – Juz).

See what I did there? Double entendre. I am so hilarious I amaze myself.

It’s a Public Holiday here, Reconciliation Day, and I am confined to the house. The weather is freezing, the wind is off the snow, it is squally, and the dogs and I are wrapped in blankets and steeped in misery.

I should say that I am happy about Reconciliation Day – I am all for harmony – and I would rather this Public Holiday than the Queen’s Birthday long weekend as it isn’t even her birthday, and she’s not here, and she doesn’t care … and nor do we.
In an effort to stay relevant, and I am bored, I thought that I would update the Chat.

Before I start, just a reminder to clicks on the ads. At least twice. Our objective should be to turn Juz into a thousandaire so she can quit her job and do this full-time. (Aww thanks – I do appreciate the clicks as they cover the web hosting – Juz)

Can we still avoid discussing the election itself because it’s still a bit raw for some people (it was only a week ago and so nasty), but expand the breadth of our political topics? Here’s my new list of inclusions:

. Anything overseas – like Trump or La Penn. How grateful should we be to live here?
. Barnaby Joyce – Seriously, voting public. What does it take? You had no other option?
. The token women in the new Cabinet. That was a tough ask for the PM. No, wait; it’s not tokenism. It’s all based on merit. fftt
. And how Peter Dutton looks even more scary now that he’s a smug thumb.

Speaking of political, did you hear that they want to replace the Numbat with the Quokka as the emblem for WA? What is going on here? Numbat = cute. Quokka = cute. There are no winners here. Stop it.

Here’s my nomination. Actually, I just wanted to use this photo. Let’s keep the Numbat. They were here first and seem to be more useful. Controversy, anyone?

So, television, because I have no life in winter.

I have been watching State of the Union (ABC). It’s charming. Rosamund Pike and Chris O’Dowd. The best thing about it is that each episode is 10 minutes long so it is sharp and plays well. It has been listed as a comedy. What’s that squeaky noise you make when you’re not terribly sure?

I’ve also been watching Sammy J (ABC). At least he has the decency to call his stuff a “satire”.

Shakespeare and Hathaway (ABC) Season 2 is returning this weekend. I enjoyed Season 1. It’s comfortable, like, you know, in an old people’s home, undisturbing, predictable kind of way. Have I sold it to you yet? It’s a great anti-dote for Shetland which is bleak and grim. The last episode of that one left me with nightmares about being buried alive. I can’t wait for next week.

For those of you who like podcasts, I’ve discovered The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio. Just blissful. My favourite is Johnny Dollar. It doesn’t get much better than this. Who needs moving pictures to appreciate good acting and thin plot lines.

And just in case you think that I’m only about the ABC and MasterChef, I am in the middle of watching Rim of the World, a children’s movie on Netflix. Not too childish (the body count is high) but reminiscent of Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds and Independence Day, all rolled together. With little people. Most enjoyable. I am assuming that the children live. It would be a bummer if they didn’t.



  1. Mr Juz and I just watched the Killing Eve finale. After some slow episodes this season, it really picked up the pace and ended on a cliffhanger. Jodie Cormer (the villain) deserves many acting awards instead of Sandra Oh getting all the attention.

  2. When I saw the title of this post, I thought of several people who come under the heading of “political creep”.

    I misunderstood. Whew.

    • What, you mean, a short stint on a tacky reality TV show doesn’t guarantee lifelong fame and success?


  3. We caught a bit of Paul Murray live when he had the candidates from New England on. It wasn’t a surprise after seeing what was on offer, why Barnaby Joyce was re-elected.

    • It reminds me a bit of that statement by Trump when he said something like he could shoot someone and he wouldn’t lose any voters.
      There’s a big difference between what a candidate says and what a candidate does and Barnaby is definitely in the Does category. The list is so long that in a normal workplace he would be fired.
      I noticed that the Libs didn’t put up a candidate and I just realised that I didn’t hear anything about The Shooters party. Did they not run anyone in the Federal election? That’s who I thought would win there.

      • The Liberals generally don’t put a candidate up against a National Party one (particularly in National heartland).

        Did you catch the Democracy Sausage podcast on ABC – particularly the episode with Jacqui Lambie? (Please reserve your political judgement) but she mentioned how expensive it is to run as a political candidate and without appearing on I am a Celebrity she would not have had the resources to stand.

        Bringing this back to New England (and any other safe seat in the country), with a high profile candidate and its margin, Labor is not going to waste money in that seat and Independent candidates (who don’t have their own high profile) are not going to have the resources to mount an effective campaign. These candidates are also not going to have the media training…so when given a forum like PML…they are not going to come off as well against a national known incumbent.

        No, the Shooters party did not run a candidate. \

        Anyone who is surprised that Barnaby got back does not live in an extremely safe seat. Voting is merely a process to ratify a known outcome. (Not even the incumbent campaigns…well, not in my seat anyone and it is cynically joked about on FB.)

  4. Now you’ve sold me on Shakespear, Shetland AND Rim. Although I thought I already watched Shetland, I don’t recall anyone being buried alive, so perhaps not.

    Snow? You have snow? I’m not envious, just surprised.

    Well written madcap btw. Very well written. And I love the cartoons.

    And “quokka”. They are soooo cute. And people can see them (if they go to Rottnest), whereas I have never seen a numbat.

    • It was harrowing but then again, being buried alive has always been one of my phobias, ever since I saw that Twilight episode. Cue music here. Can we ever get that refrain out of our heads? Childhood trauma.
      It was the coldest day here in 20 years. I felt it all the way to my bones. And my brain freezes. Yes, I’m complaining. I don’t like it. I blame Tony Abbott because someone has to be responsible.

      • It was sleeting this morning – of course it was exactly at the time I needed to get Mr 7 to school. We had a very delayed start to autumn this year and have skipped straight to winter

      • Still warm and sunny here. Look at the sparkly water from the warm sun.

        Bobi, I think my first movie introduction to the concept of being mistakenly buried alive was a Perter Lori or Vincent Price movie. Perhaps it was The Raven. I was a child. But being burned alive; now that’s The House of Wax. I need to mention the movie that seemed to be played every year; Murders on Rue Morgue. No burying, just murders in the street.

      • The Oblong Box? Both Vincent Price and Chrisopehr Lee. Dastardly and dramatic. I won’t say it was fun – more terrifying.
        I think it was black and white and SBS?
        Or maybe not. Being buried alive was a theme at one stage in my life.
        But I remember Vincent. Or Christopher. Definitely one or the other.

        • Maybe The Fall of the House of Usher? They made the Edgar Allen Poe story into a Vincent Price film. In it someone falls ill and they think she is dead, so bury her

  5. Still like this here. Warm sunshine. It just needs to hold off for another week and a half. Then I’m out of here.

  6. You guys are good word-wits. I need a good name for mutual Aunties who are not related. I have recently connect with a lady with whom I share nieces and their kids. We feel related, but she is my sister’s ex’s sister. Yet we love the same nieces and their kids. I feel related but we aren’t. We need a word. Any ideas.
    And don’t just say idjuts. It’s a genuine first world problem.

    • I only have a vague memory of this but I was listening to Helen Zaltzman (The Allusionist) talking about the origins of step (as in step-son) and she said, something like, these children used to be called bonuses. I thought it was a lovely concept.
      I’m sure I’ve got that right. I might go back and see if I can find the ep. I don’t mind listening to it again.
      So maybe she is a bonus-sister to you?

    • Or some play on conjoint. Like joint-aunts.
      Or not. Naunts.
      You’re right. It’s not easy.
      You are not quite kin, but almost. There is something there, I can feel it.

    • 😂😂😂😂😂 That got an lol.
      Thanks for trying. I will take all suggestions to A2. (Ha ha. How did she become “2”?).
      It feels like we ought to be related as we are both anties to the same girls. And because we have hit it off so well.

      I think my niece is enjoying being doted on by two. Like piggy in the middle.

      I am und’aunt’ed. Boom boom.

  7. SBS Food has had some Delia’s How To Cook episodes on recently. After sniggering at it for a while, I began to pay attention and I found Delia to be unpretentious and sweet, really. She is the antithesis of some of the arrogant show ponies on more recent cooking shows.

  8. I heard the egg-boy donated the $100,000 that was raised for his court case to the Christchurch victims. He didn’t need the money because he took responsibility for what he had done.
    The lad sounds like future Prime Ministerial material to me.
    Compare him to the idiot vegan girl (who egged Morrison) who will undoubtedly decide to get pregnant and live off government welfare.
    And my dogs are being stalked by a magpie. It’s a foul day.
    I think I’m cranky today. Two coffees are clearly not enough.

  9. And allow me to continue my judgemental rant.
    I watched Dr Phil today. He was interviewing a 14 year old girl named Destoni who had behavioural issues.
    Of course she had problems, ffs. Her mother called her Destoni.
    I don’t know where to start.

    • 😂😂😂😂 You poor thing. Have another coffee.
      If I get down now (and my new pain meds say that I won’), I remind myself that I just lost 12 unwanted kgs. That in itself is a party.
      How? The shock of our dil taking our very close grandkids from us. That’s since been resolved.

  10. Oh, so I look forward to Dr Phil now. And Aircrash Investigations and Property Ladder UK.

    It’s still crazy summer here. Perhaps WA is sucking up the heat. Blue sky, sunshine and light clothing. Gotta love WA.

  11. Be more obvious, channel 7.

    Has anyone else noticed, this week, that the promotional material for all of channel 7’s upcoming dating shows is referring to them all as “social experiments”? After MKR got slaughtered in the ratings (I can’t even remember who won), 7 must really desperately want some of that MAFS audience.

    And remember Sunday Night’s expose on the evils of reality TV dating shows? And now we have Super Switch, which advertises someone calling the police (because he’s locked in a house with the other weirdos), and a brunch at a local restaurant ending in a wild bar-fight?

    The gall of it is just astounding. Really, channel 7?

    • If I was going to be here, I think I would pass on Super Switch.

      Maybe if they were switching homes. I used to enjoy that show where some entitled middle class Americans were dropped into an African or Peruvian village.

      And don’t worry; I would be going 😭 myself. In Peru, the family had saved their wee to wash their guests hair in it.

    • Ha ha, Daisy, stop torturing the people from the other side of the country. You might jinx us into getting a worse winter – which is predicted to start on Thursday.

      • They just need to visit. 😂 Anyhow, we all get our turn. I think WA has been sucking all the heat out of Australia because we were stripping off yesterday.

        Yes, it’s going to belt down on Saturday. We will be flying out in it.

      • If it’s any consolation we have a severe weather warning for the south west. 🌩🌩🌩🌩🌧🌧🌧

  12. Cold, cold in Sydney today. Is anybody watching that rubbish with Denyer on Ch10. I’ve only seen the ads for it, but it isn’t my cuppa. Happily watching Mastermind on SBS.

    • It snowed in Queensland, today.

      What happened to this warmer-than-average winter we were supposed to be having?

      • That’s crazy. It’s crazy weather. The sun has been pointing toward WA.

  13. Anybody catching The Amazing Race current season? For some reason it went from 7.30 to 10.30 – no logic.

    This season is like an all-stars except that apart from the TAR veterans, the other “all-stars” are from Big Brother and Survivor. I don’t recognise any of the Survivor people, so they must have been early leavers. I love the TAR people they have chosen, all great teams but the others are hit and miss. Worst of all are the “Reilly” sisters (both now have married names really). One is Rachel, who apparently has been on BB as well as TAR. I consider her the worst TAR contestant I have seen, and she is living down to her reputation. She was horrible to her husband, but is better with her sister (who might be OK if she was away from Rachel) but still awful to watch.

    The most recent ep involved a lengthy section where they turned U-turn discussions into attempts to turn every team against another, and only succeeded in alienating their only allies (a BB couple). They turned themselves in knots trying to justify their lies to the BB couple. The promo for next week implies that they might get their comeuppance – hope so.

    • I love TAR but I missed it and we are going away on Saturday. No point getting drawn in to it now.

      • In case I forget later in the week, Daisy, have a wonderful holiday. Stay safe.

        • Thanks, Von. Can you believe I have been watching every episode of Aircrash Investigations every day for months. I find it so interesting how the Investigators solve the mystery of a crash. It doesn’t scare me.

          • I wasn’t thinking specifically of plane crashes…but, yeah, stay out of those, too :).

          • No. I didn’t take it that way. 😂 Thanks.
            Last time we got there, Woolif left his hand luggage in the taxi with $13 000 cash, passports and all of our itinerary for 3 months. 😨 We got it back by 5.00pm.
            A very scary day.

    • Fijane, are Bret and Chris from
      Survivor still in? Bret is brilliant when he does the Survivor podcasts

      • Yes, they have a had a scare with a non elimination early on, but they are still in, and doing better than I have seen them before. I love them as a team, because they are not super-fit gym junkies, have some phobias, make some poor decisions, and yet always fight to the end and are nice to the others.

        We also still have “Team Fun” (Bec & Floyd), Tyler & Korey, Nicole & Victor, Colin & Christie, Leo & Jamal and Reilly sisters.

        I have to qualify this by saying that I didn’t realise the latest showing was a double ep, and the recording cut out, so there is probably one team gone but I don’t know yet who.

  14. You have no idea how long it took me to figure out what TAR stood for. 🤣🤣🤣
    I am feeling a lot dumb right now.

    • Impressive.
      I would assume a huge return to the network based on that photo.
      I know it’s not a favoured view given that the disadvantaged are being forced out of low cost accommodation, but I am all for restorations back to former glories.

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